Nalan Qing's face changed because of Nalan Ci's words. She frowned at Nalan Ci and asked, "what do you mean by saying goodbye?"

"Elder sister, you went to them, didn't you? What's more, when there's a conflict with them, I just know that. How can it be difficult? " Nalandi looked at her sister and suddenly felt very funny.

For a long time, he thought that he had a really good relationship with his elder sister, and she had been helping him. Even the things between LAN's family and Li juanjiang were always for his sake, but this time he found that he had really made a mistake, because he thought too much, and now he felt so uncomfortable.

Nalan Qing looked at Nalan's words in silence, and spoke after a while: "I went to find them, and I did have conflicts with them, but what happened? Can it affect our relationship? "

"Elder sister, did you really go? Don't you know what I'm thinking? Why? " Nalan is really sad this time.

He really has a cold heart and cold feeling for outsiders, but he can't do it for his elder sister at all. Now she has done such a thing without telling herself. Thinking of Ning Mengyao, he can't help doubting whether the relationship between himself and her is true or not.

If so, why didn't she tell herself when she was doing these things? If it's fake, it's even more ridiculous. He still takes it seriously.

"I also quit to help you. I passed after Li Juanshui told me that I thought I could do something. Who knows..." Nalan Qing's heart is also a little oppressed. At this point, if she doesn't make it clear, it will definitely affect her position in Nalan's family. At the same time, Nalan's words won't help Xiao Luoyan any more, which she doesn't want to see.

"Who knows what? I'm ready for everything. Now I'm one step away. But you're not so good. You didn't tell me when you did this. Do you know how much more time and energy I will spend next because of your recklessness? " Nalan's words are about to explode. Is this person really stupid or not? Even such a thing can be done. Does she have no brain or something?

"What do you mean by quitting? Are you pointing at me? What's wrong with me if I want Ning Mengyao to stay with me? Don't you think so? I want to take Xiaoyao villa as my own Nalan Qing slaps the table heavily, stands up and looks at Nalan Qing who roars at himself.

Looking at Nalan Ci's shocked eyes, Nalan Qing suddenly regretted doing so. She looked at Nalan CI awkwardly and calculated what to do next.

Nalan nodded his head and said, "well, I know what you mean."

"Listen to me. I don't mean anything else."

"Nothing else? So what do you mean? Use me to get the news of Xiaoyao villa, then sneak over by yourself and say nothing. Even if you screw up all my arrangements, you don't say anything. If I didn't know it today, are you going to keep it from me? What's more, I'm really curious about what you're doing. " Nalan CI looked at Nalan Qing and asked.

Nalan Qing's face changed and she said, "what else can I do for? It's not for our narans. "

"Ha ha, for the Nalan family? Are you really for the Nalan family? Are you sure it's not for your precious son? " Nalan CI looks at Nalan Qing satirically. It's time to hide. It's not like Nalan Qing's style.

Naran Qing's face was a little ugly when she was said to be in her mind. She looked at Naran's words and opened her mouth, but she could not explain them.

"Elder sister, are you speechless?"