Nalan Qing looked at her younger brother, frowning, and her expression was distressed: "can't you just let Yan'er go? He's your nephew anyway. "

Nalan CI looks at Nalan Qing, with obvious disappointment in her eyes. It seems that Nalan Qing has forgotten her identity and his identity after living in Xiao's family for a long time.

"Xiao Luoyan is my nephew. That's right, but he always has the surname Xiao. I'm the head of Nalan family. I have to be responsible for all Nalan family members. It seems that I've been in the Xiao family for a long time, and the elder sister has forgotten your responsibility. In her heart, if I plan for your precious son, are you worried about Xiao Teng's going down and taking his position as the little head?" Nalan CI walked towards Nalan Qing step by step, with thick cold in his eyes. He felt that such a sister was the same.

Nalan Qing's face faded because of Nalan's words: "farewell to you..."

"Since you have forgotten your original intention, I will not disturb you, but if you are destroying my affairs, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people." Nalan CI looked at Nalan Qing and said coldly.

Nalan Qing had never seen such a cold and piercing expression on his younger brother's face, as if he could not see everything, as if everything was under his control.

"It's my sister's fault to say goodbye. She apologizes to you, but anyway, we are both brothers and sisters and relatives. Shouldn't we help each other?" Nalanqing was so excited by his appearance that he quickly opened his mouth and said that what he said was so hurtful.

Nalan CI looks at Nalan Qing, who has changed into a shapeless one. His mouth is full of Satire: "help each other? Who helped who? Or who am I going to help? "

"You have changed. It's too unreasonable." Nalan Qing was questioned by Nalan's words. Her face was very ugly, even her expression was very angry.

"I am unreasonable?" Nalan CI really felt very funny. It was the first time that someone said he was unreasonable. It was really interesting. Ah, no, it was not interesting, but very funny.

Nalan Qing looks at Nalan Ci and suddenly feels sorry. How could she say such a thing? Look at Nalan Ci's expression and think about how angry he is now.

It was her fault. How could she say such a thing?

"I, an unreasonable man, will not disturb your lady's life here." Nalan CI ignores Nalan Qing's call and retention, and directly turns to leave.

Xiao Luoyan came back from the outside and saw Nalan Ci was about to go out. He hurriedly went up to say hello: "uncle."

However, Nalan CI didn't even give him a look, let alone a response. Xiao Luoyan looked at Nalan CI leaving a little confused. What happened?

"What's the matter? What happened between you? " When Xiao Luoyan saw nalanqing, he found that the expression on her face was not very good. He immediately asked doubtfully.

In the face of his only son, Nalan Qing couldn't tell him the news: "it's OK, it's because there is a difference with your uncle because of some things, it will soon be OK."

"Is that so? He didn't pay much attention to me when I just called my uncle. "

"It will be all right soon." Nalan Qing's face changed, then she said with a smile.

Xiao Luoyan believed her mother's words very much, so she didn't ask too much. Then she told Nalan Qing about going to the auction before.

"Mom, do you think that man has a brain problem? He spent so much money and bought that little thing." Xiao Luoyan thinks that if it's him, he may be reluctant to give up. After all, those things, apart from the functions of biyingguo, can improve internal power, others are just some herbs that can regulate the body, and he doesn't know what those people do as treasure.

"In some people's eyes, money is nothing compared with those things." Maybe she only has this son now. She can't let anyone trample her son into the soil.