Xiao Luoyan curled his mouth and didn't care about it very much. In front of the outsiders, he was a capable young master, but in front of nalanqing, he was just an ordinary child.

"What's the matter with Yan'er xiaoteng?" Nalanqing suddenly thought of the illiterate son, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Now Xiao Teng's position in Xiao's family has gradually become higher. Even her husband has begun to look at him with great admiration. If it goes on like this, Xiao Luoyan's position as the minority leader will be really taken away.

Not to mention that Xiao Teng is OK, when it comes to Xiao Teng, Xiao Luoyan's eyebrows are screwed together, his face is also very ugly, it seems very angry.

"What's the matter with Yan'er?" Seeing his son like this, nalanqing knew in her heart that there was another conflict between her son and Xiao Teng.

"Niang xiaoteng has begun to take over the business now, and all of them are doing very well. If it goes on like this, the people outside will only know that xiaoteng is in the family, but not that I am the little Lord." Xiao Luoyan is also very reluctant, but he didn't expect that Xiao Teng would dare to rebel at this time, thinking and still in this way.

After Xiao Teng came back from that place, the whole person seemed to have changed. When he was recovering, Xiao Teng didn't know how to make some old guys with eyes higher than the top look at him, which made Xiao Luoyan puzzled.

Nalan Qing reached out and clapped his son's hand. He said seriously, "don't worry, there are mothers and Nalan's family. Even if they want to pull you down from the position of little Lord, they have to weigh it."

Xiao Teng's recent momentum is really very good, and some of the old guys also mean that. Unfortunately, Xiao Luoyan has Nalan's family to back him up. Even if they want to make Xiao teng the minority leader, they can't help it. After all, Xiao Luoyan hasn't made any great mistakes. What's more, Xiao's family has ancestral training, but they can't make a commoner unless they don't have one in the family Only when the legitimate son, or the legitimate son, has made such a big mistake, can he take the position of the little Lord of the legitimate son and change people again.

This is also the reason why nalanqing is not very worried, but it seems that there is no way to let xiaoteng go on like this.

Thinking of ningmengyao, nalanqing's eyebrows wrinkled tightly. If that woman can stand beside her son and become his left and right hands, what else can she worry about?

When Nalan Qing was calculating, she suddenly thought of Nalan's words in her brain, and her expression changed.

Both sides are her relatives. What should she do? One is his own brother, the other is his own son, and both sides want to get ningmengyao I'm afraid it will be difficult.

"Mother, what are you thinking?"


Xiao Luoyan no longer asked, just thinking about the next thing, there is nothing to worry about. After all, my mother said that she was there.

After Nalan CI went back from Xiao's home, he called several important members of the owner to the study. He told Nalan Qing's words to all the people present.

"That's what Nalan Qing thinks now."

"Is there any misunderstanding? How could a young lady do such a thing? " Some people don't believe it. After all, Nalan Qing has done a lot for Nalan's family.

Nalan's words glanced at the speaker: "elder, do you mean that the master of my family is wrong? Or do you think the owner of our family is Alzheimer's? Can such a thing be taken out as a joke? "

"I didn't mean that, but the eldest lady......"

"She has changed now. She has only her precious son in her heart. How can we have the Nalan family?" Nalan laughed sarcastically, with a mockery on his face.

At first, he didn't believe it, but this was the fact. Everything in front of the fact had to give way.

"Here..." Look at me, elder. I can't help you for a while.

Nalan, seeing them like this, suddenly got upset for no reason. How stupid he was to think that these old guys could come up with any good ideas.