"What are you going to do about it, my lord?"

"What do you mean?" Nalan's eyes narrowed slightly at those people who began to shirk responsibility at the critical moment. He really wanted to throw people out directly.

A few people suddenly don't know what to say. According to the truth, Nalan Qing has done so many things for Nalan's family. Even if there is no credit, it must be hard work. But now Nalan CI looks like this, so they don't know how to do it.

After waiting for a long time, no one spoke, and Nalan Ci's face became even more ugly. The people on the side were also necking and lowering their heads, but they were unwilling to speak.

"All out."

Several elders hurriedly left, and Nalan said with a sneer, "it's all a bunch of rubbish."

"In that case, why did the owner come to them?" I know that I can't get any answers in the end, and call people over. Isn't that too much?

Nalan CI sneered and looked at the man beside him: "why? Of course, it's a play. They have to know about it. Only in this way can I deal with it and they won't have any opinions. "

Since Nalan Qing has no Nalan family in his heart, he doesn't need to talk to Nalan Qing again. If he talks too much, it's just nonsense. He wants to protect Xiao Luoyan? Don't see if Xiao Luoyan is worth his protection.

"But the head of the family, if he breaks off with the eldest lady like this, I'm afraid many people will not be convinced."

Nalan Qing's sacrifice is known to all of Nalan family. If we want to break off the relationship, it will definitely cause many people's opposition.

"I know that, of course, but I didn't say that we should do it now." Nalan made a sneer.

"What does the owner mean?"

"That's right."

Nalan CI thinks that what they have to do now is to wait. When Nalan Qingqing really threatens the interests of Nalan's family, he will start, and those people will not say anything, and he feels that the two times are fast.

Xiao Teng's ability is very excellent. If he chooses his successor, he will definitely choose Xiao Teng instead of Xiao Luoyan. After all, a straw bag cannot support the whole family.

In the study, because Nalan didn't speak, he fell into silence. It was precisely because of Nalan Qing's affairs that he didn't go to the trouble of ningmengyao's husband and wife, which was no better for ningmengyao's family.

After two days of crazy play, the challenge arena competition of Xiao family finally began. Xiao Luoyan, as the young leader of Xiao family, was also there naturally. However, he was accompanied by several experts, who were probably equipped for Xiao Luoyan because he was worried about the accident. Not far away from him, Xiao Teng was talking with the people on the side. From time to time, he looked the same on the field, frowned, or smiled, that way It's much more pleasing than Xiao Luoyan's affectation.

Xiao Luoyan is not satisfied with Xiao Teng's coming with him today. After all, it's his job as a young master. What is he doing here as a commoner? Isn't that uncomfortable for him?

In that awkward atmosphere, the challenge arena competition finally began. At the beginning, there were only some people who wanted to show their face in front of the public, but their strength was not very strong.

Being bored by such a fight, Joe mofeng even yawned and said: "can't you keep looking like this? It's boring. "

Are these people really here to fight, not dance?


"Niang you look at my eyes, and then watch this kind of competition, I really want to fall asleep." He almost didn't write two words on his face. On the left is boring, and on the other hand, it's boring.

Ningmengyao was laughed by her son. Looking at him like this, she said jokingly, "if you're bored, you can go and play."

"No, these people are so stupid, let me go up and lose face with them? I can't afford to lose this man. "