Ningmengyao is directly amused by Qiao Moshan's words: "little monkey, you are so bored that you can play, and you are so ashamed. What do you want to do?"

"Mom, do I think we really want to participate in such a competition? This is a waste of our time. " Qiao moshang looks at her mother very tangled, and her expression is very painful.

That appearance not only didn't make Ning Mengyao give up, but also thought it was very interesting. It was also good to see the expression of her son. Ning Mengyao comforted herself in her heart.

Qiao Tianchang could not help laughing. He had never seen his son's funny appearance before.

Qiao Mo Shang was hurt by his parents' reaction. He hit his head against the armrest of the chair on the side. He had better keep watching.

"Isn't it difficult for the Xiaos to take part in the challenge arena competition in Chengdu to embroider their legs?"

As soon as Xiao Luoyan's face changed, his expression became ugly. He was in charge of this. If something happened, it was that he was not good at doing things. Now someone is questioning his ability. How can he not be angry?

Qiao moshang was interested by this man's voice. He held his chin in one hand and looked at the extremely arrogant man in the challenge arena. Since people are so arrogant, their strength should be very good, right? Jomo mourns as if thinking.

"What's wrong with you, little monkey?"

"Mom, how can you say that to me? I'm so good that I can't think of bad things. "

Qu Zhi knocks heavily on Qiao Mo Shang's head. Ning Mengyao stares at him and says, "speak to others."

"What I'm talking about is human words. Niang, you say that this man is so arrogant, and his strength should be very good?" Jomo Shang said with eyes shining.

He hasn't started with anyone for a long time. What should he do if he wants to exercise?

"You can go up and try." Ning Mengyao said with a raised eyebrow.

Qiao moshang thought about it, and thought it could be there. So he jumped to the challenge arena.

Everyone watched a seven or eight year old boy jump into the arena. After a few seconds of silence, he burst into laughter, especially the man in the arena.

"Are you sure you are weaned, little thing? Don't cry when you lose. " The man said and couldn't help laughing. Some of the people below laughed, but those who saw the scene of Qiao moshang's coming to the stage didn't say a word. Some people were willing to be fools, and they couldn't stop it, could they?

Jomo Shang looked at the smile in front of him and was very happy. He had a very hard to hear voice. His eyes narrowed slightly: "to be honest, I don't like your mouth very much."

"What do you say, boy?"

"Nothing, that's to say your mouth stinks." Jomo mourns the light opening.

"You want to die." A man can't let a little guy insult himself like this, and he immediately pounced on him.

Qiao moshang dodges, kicks his foot on the butt of the other side and directly kicks people off the challenge arena. However, when the man is in the mid air and is about to fall, people will see Qiao moshang jump in front of the man, and then kicks the man back to the challenge arena.

Then all the onlookers saw that a man in his thirties was treated as a ball by a child in his seventies and eighties. Every time a man wanted to admit defeat, he would be stopped by Jomo Shang. That's really not enough.

The following people look at the ferocity of Qiao moshang and can't help but cover their faces. Isn't it possible that the children are so fierce now?

Today, people from the Zhao family also came. Zhao Mingxiang saw Qiao moshang kicking people directly as a ball, and couldn't help laughing. No matter how mature his performance was, this guy was still a child, with a childish side.

Zhao Xinxin also came today. Since that day, she has never appeared in front of the ningmengyao family. Now, when she saw Qiao moshang kicking people as a ball, she didn't have a hard look. Suddenly, she was a little frightened. An eight year old child was so fierce. What about Qiao Moshan?

Think of Joe mofeng, Zhao heart hate not, hate Joe mofeng's ruthlessness, also hate his confused style.