The people on the side listen to Ning Mengyao's words. I like their guts. They all feel chilly, as if they are covered with cold snakes.

"This lady..."

Ningmengyao twisted her wrists and didn't look at each other. "If you don't want to be hurt by mistake or get involved, then you can stay and watch for me.".

The enchanter can't stand Ning Mengyao's attitude. She looks at herself like a clown.

"Don't look at me like that with your eyes." The witch screamed suddenly, with fear and anger on her face, and her expression also meant that she was angry.

"If you don't look at me, how do you know I'm looking at you?" Ningmengyao is lightly blocked back.

"Don't talk nonsense, just do it if you want to. Whoever is afraid of it." Maybe it's evil to the gall. Under the strong pressure of ningmengyao, she can say such words.

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded to understand: "well, you said that. I will not do it again. That's my fault, right?"

As soon as the witch wanted to start, she felt that ningmengyao in front of her had become a shadow. Before she could feel where people were, there was a stabbing pain on her back. When she attacked, ningmengyao disappeared again.

Holding the monster's wrist, the hand twists heavily, the monster screams out, her hand is broken.

Ning Mengyao looked at the monster like this, and said with a smile: "how is it? Is it a special pain? "

"What do you want to do?" The body of the enchanter was shaking all the time.

This is a face-to-face look. He has already felt that the woman in front of him is very powerful, even more powerful than anyone she has ever met, and still much more powerful.

"I don't want to do anything, just to help you relax and let you know what to say, what not to say, what can be done, what can't be done, it's so simple." Ning Mengyao said with a smile, and the expression on her face was more beautiful.

Just now there was a lot of noise, but now it's silent. That child's mother is terrible.

When Ning Mengyao stops her movements, she is only half dead.

"I don't object to my son's actual combat with others, or to his injuries. But I'm not happy that some people use such a vicious means to deal with my son. We should know that the short guard is the patent of women, so is the vexatious, let alone I'm not vexatious." Ning Mengyao squatted down to the face of the witch, looked into his eyes, and said with a smile.

Ningmengyao's method made nalanqing think of the people she had handed over, but she thought it was impossible. How could those people appear in this place?

In fact, even if Ning Mengyao didn't say these words, she was still worried that she would make her son have no way to fight, so she had the words just now.

Her meaning is very obvious. It's OK to fight openly, even to hurt Qiao moshang. This only shows that they are not as skilled as people, but they can't do it by means. They either manage Ming Zhengda or go home to eat earth. That's what I think of her.

The leader of the Xiao family regretted that the witch turned to be mud. He knew that he would not let things go like this for a long time. At least he would leave a good impression on his family and join the Xiao family.

But now everything is in vain. This kind of cognition makes the leader of the Xiao family want to slap himself.

Ningmengyao comes down from the arena in the strange eyes of all the people. Because of her actions, they have to leave first and do not continue to participate in today's competition.

Zhao Mingxiang looks at a gentle woman like ningmengyao strangely. It's amazing that she could do such a thing.

The head of the Zhao family thinks ningmengyao is very good. This kind of character is very good, but Zhao Xinxin's face is not so beautiful. This person is so powerful. If she used the means to deal with that woman at the beginning

Just think about it, Zhao Xinxin felt terrible. Seeing the woman lying on the ground like mud, she felt her bones hurt.