Zhao Xinxin is really afraid. She doesn't know what kind of consequences she will have if she continues to entangle herself. Will she be treated by the same means?

If she is treated by such means, can she still live well?

One question after another rings in Zhao Xin's heart and mind. At this time, a voice comes up. It's Zhao Jiazhu: "do you see it? People don't have no way to deal with you, just don't want to deal with you. Don't really take yourself too seriously, and don't think about what you do. People will have no way to deal with you. "

Zhao Xinxin's body is extremely stiff because of the words of Zhao's head. She turns to look at Zhao's head and says, "are I still your daughter? Why do you treat me like this and belittle me like this? "

The head of Zhao's family smiled: "belittle you? It's really unnecessary. Although I haven't seen that child, I know it's a very excellent child from the mouth of Mingxiang and Mingyu. It's normal for you to like it. But if you want to use means, that woman is your end. "

Now he doesn't worry about what Zhao Xinxin will do to make people uncomfortable. With such a pair of parents, even if she wants to play tricks, what can she do? With such parents, the child named Qiao mofeng must not be far away.

Zhao's words, like a thorn, deeply pierced into Zhao's heart, turning her face pale and scared.

When Mrs. Zhao saw that Zhao's head had scolded her daughter in front of so many people, she was not happy immediately: "what do you say about children in front of so many people? In saying that such a vulgar woman who will like, our family's heart on that Joe Mo Feng that is his convinced

In the heart of every parent, children are the best, even Mrs. Zhao is the same, her heart is that her daughter is the best, no one else can match.

The head of the Zhao family saw that Mrs. Zhao didn't speak at all, not that she couldn't refute, but that she didn't think it was necessary at all. How could such a person, a child who has been educated, be better?

Turning his head to look at Zhao Xinxin, the head of the Zhao family said in a cold voice, "you do it yourself."


"Well, don't pay attention to him, your father is like this"

Mrs. Zhao's words, let Zhao Xinxin have the backbone, she smiled and nodded constantly, the smile on her face didn't fall off: "Mom I know."

Zhao family leader shook his head, so that people who feel good about themselves really don't want to say anything more.

Shisong was invited to a restaurant for dinner. On the way to the restaurant, his expression was still very blank. It was really Qiao moshang's mother? Good, and What a cult.

If his mother is so fierce, a fool will not fall into such a situation? Thinking of his mother, Shisong's heart was a little gloomy.

"What's the matter?"

"It's OK. I just think of my parents." Shi Songqiang pulls out a smile that is not a smile. His simple eyes become trance and confused.

"If you want them, go back and have a look."

Shisong shook his head: "I can't go back. My parents have passed away."

"Well I'm sorry about that. " It's no wonder that his expression before was like envy and blame. It was because of this.

"It doesn't matter. I'm used to it." Shisong shook his head.

What else did Qiao moshang want to say? But he was grabbed by Ning Mengyao. At the same time, he shook his head at him and motioned her not to speak again.

Jomo Shang nodded his head clearly, and the heavy atmosphere was relieved when he said some interesting topics.

"Uncle Joe, wait a minute."

Qiao Tianchang and his wife turn their heads and look at Zhao Mingxiang who is catching up. They are surprised. Is there anything wrong with him?

"Why are you busy?"

"Well, my father said he wanted to invite Uncle Joe and aunt Joe to dinner." Zhao said with a smile.

If it had been, his father would not have done such a thing, because he was worried that it would cause them trouble, but now there is no problem at all.

Even if Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Xinxin follow, they are not afraid of anything.

Ningmengyao thought a little and agreed: "OK."