When Zhao Mingxiang came, he wasn't sure if they would agree. Now he heard that they agreed. Suddenly, there was something unexpected. Then he laughed happily: "I'll go to my father, uncle Qiao. Will you come to my house with me?"

"No, you go back first. We'll be back later." She didn't want to go in the sun for most of the day.

However, Tangtang and Doudou are very excited and curious: "Dad, shall we go to Mingxiang's house to play?"

"Well, yes, is sugar happy?" Zhao Mingxiang squatted down and looked at the two little people. He said with a gentle face.

"Well, happy."

Zhao Mingxiang teased the two children for a while. Then he left with Ning Mengyao and went back to Zhao's house.

After the family changed their clothes, they brought gifts to go to Zhao's house, but Shi song was a little worried and embarrassed: "uncle, aunt, I will not go with you."

They came to invite Ning Mengyao and his wife, but they didn't invite him. If he passed like this, wouldn't it be bad?

"It doesn't matter. Let's go together." Ningmengyao doesn't care about these problems. It doesn't matter if she takes one more person. She doesn't think Zhao's family will be any better.


"Where do you come from so long winded, take you to play, you still push three blocks four." See Shisong also want to refute the words of his mother, Qiao moshang immediately unhappy, frown, very dissatisfied said.

Ningmengyao and his wife helplessly look at Qiao moshang. Is it really good that he does this?

However, they found that Shisong was not angry, but also very embarrassed.

"I don't mean that."

"Then keep up." Jomo sang, discontented.

“……” The people on the edge are speechless looking at Jomo.

Why is this child so bear? It wasn't like this before. In fact, the former Jomo Shangs are hard to touch. But now how does he feel like a child, or is this character what he is?

However, such a change is very good for them.

The whole family went to Zhao's house, even Shi song was under the threat and inducement of Qiao moshang, and went with him. There were still some problems on the way, and they wanted to leave. But when they saw Qiao moshang looking at him with cool eyes, they could not say anything.

When Zhao Xinxin heard that Zhao Mingxiang said that Qiao Tianchang and his family were going to visit their home, they were actually very happy. They went to the room to dress up for a long time to make a good impression on them.

When she came out dressed up, I saw that beside the couple of ningmengyao, I was a tall man with a rough face, and I was still very constrained to sit there.

Zhao Xinxin knows that this kind of person is definitely not from a rich family. Look at the brother and sister Qiao moshang beside him.

Therefore, Zhao Xinxin's eyes on Shi Song are critical, and his eyes are hanging, turning white at him.

She looks like that, just by ningmengyao husband and wife see in the eye, in the heart cannot help but some sneer, such person, again how beautiful again what use? The heart is black.

And she has been hanging her eyes like this, won't she feel eye pain?

Naturally, Shisong also saw Zhao Xinxin's disgusted and disdainful eyes. The expression on his face was a little embarrassed. He looked at Zhao Xinxin and then lowered his head.

Qiao Mo shangsome hate iron not into steel stare at Shi Song, then look at Zhao Xinxin: "this elder sister is the eye uncomfortable? Why do you always roll your eyes. "

Zhao Xinxin didn't come up with a breath and almost choked. She couldn't see Shisong clearly, so she became uncomfortable with her eyes.

Zhao's head took a look at Zhao's heart and said lightly, "don't come out if you are uncomfortable, otherwise you will lose your face here."