Zhao Xinxin's face stiffened: "Dad, I'm ok."

She wants to impress her husband and wife today. How could she give up such an opportunity so easily?

Zhao looked at her and didn't continue to say anything, just chatting with Qiao Tianchang. Ning Mengyao sat on one side and said two words from time to time, which was also enjoyable.

As for their children, they also have their own circle. Even if Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Xinxin want to interrupt, they can't get in.

Zhao Xinxin is a little worried. There's no chance to talk. How can they look at themselves.

"What can I do, mother?" Zhao Xinxin turns his head to look at Mrs. Zhao, who has the same bad expression on the side, and asks anxiously.

Mrs. Zhao wanted to be angry, only to see her daughter like that, but she could not help but suppress the anger: "there will always be a chance."

Zhao Xinxin is not satisfied with the answer, which is just perfunctory.


Mrs. Zhao looked at Zhao Xinxin, who wanted to say something else. Her face was very ugly. When the latter saw her expression, she could only silence.

"I've heard Mingxiang tell Mingyu about you for a long time, but I haven't had a chance to see you. Now I finally see the real face of Lushan Mountain." Zhao said with a smile.

These two people are well-informed people. No matter what they say, they can talk together and the three people are very happy to talk.

The expression on Mrs. Zhao's face is a little stiff. She has been a foil here for so long. She has been impatient for a long time.

"I'll go to the kitchen and see how the lunch is going." After that, he didn't give Zhao the chance to talk, so he got up and left.

"Dad, I'll have a look." Zhao Xinxin, who was not comfortable there, said in a hurry.

Zhao Mingxiang's face is a little embarrassed. He looks at Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife and finds that they are not angry or have any other behavior. But that's what makes them feel the burning pain on their face.

Where did you leave without greeting the guests? It's the same with the wife and the younger generation. People who don't know will think that there is a problem with their tutoring.

If they are more careful, they will surely feel that their Zhao family does not really want to invite them as guests. If they come to embarrass them.

Zhao's master said helplessly, "I'll make you laugh."

Qiao Tianchang laughed: "the Zhao family leader doesn't care."

What kind of people have they met and care about today? He thinks that the Zhao family leader is a worthy person.

Just like the blue family, the character is not bad.

After Zhao Xinxin left with Mrs. Zhao, he said very wrongly: "Niang, I am the eldest miss of the Zhao family, right? How could they do this to me. "

In Zhao Xinxin's eyes, Ning Mengyao's ignorance of her is that they can't see her.

This is like a knife in Mrs. Zhao's heart. They keep stabbing her in the heart. They can talk with her husband and son, but they ignore her, even ignore her as if they didn't see her sitting there.

"Are they so nice to me?"

Zhao Xinxin didn't understand what his mother meant at first, but soon understood. It seems that they didn't care about their mother just now.

"Niang, let's..."

"Well, then there's no need to continue." Mrs. Zhao said a little impatiently.

If she were someone else, she would be angry. But the two people are not like ordinary people at all. She can't offend people casually. Otherwise, when the Zhao family leader blames them, she can't explain why.

Zhao Xinxin is not willing to challenge Mrs. Zhao's bottom line, but he can only look down sadly.

Taking advantage of the time when Mrs. Zhao went to order, Zhao Xinxin scratched around in the garden by himself, his face was troubled.

When she wandered for a while and was ready to go back, she saw Zhao Mingxiang with some children of Ning's family, as well as Shi song talking and laughing in the garden, and several children from two bedrooms and three bedrooms were called over to play with them.

"How do you two look the same?" These children have never seen twins. Seeing sugar and beans, they can't help asking questions curiously, but there is no malice.