Tangtang and Doudou are very happy to see the children who are almost their own age in front of them. When they ask that, they immediately feel proud: "we are twins."

"What are twins?"

Tangtang and Doudou don't know what to say. Zhao Mingxiang beside them laughs: "they were conceived by their mother together. They were born together, so they are twins."

"Oh, I see. Our mother gave birth to one child, and their mother gave birth to two together, right?" Said one of the children with round eyes.

"Yes, that's smart."

The face of the praised child was very happy.

A few younger children were surrounded by sugar and Doudou, and the other older ones were chatting with them and finally playing.

Zhao Xinxin is so happy to see them play. The eldest brother is playing with them with two bedrooms and three bedrooms, and he doesn't call her. He thinks that her eldest brother didn't give her face at all.

"Elder brother, why don't you call me when you play here?" Zhao Xinxin went over and said discontentedly.

"It's all children here. What do you want to do with a girl's family?" Zhao Mingxiang said casually.

"Elder brother I'm still not your sister. "

Zhao Xinxin doesn't know how many times he has asked such a question. Yes, she feels very uncomfortable. How can he treat himself like this.

Zhao Mingxiang frowned: "we have guests now, don't you think your attitude is very inappropriate?"

"This is my home. What can I do without the consent of others?" May also be angry with Zhao Mingxiang, Zhao Xinxin said very angry.

Zhao Mingxiang looked at Zhao Xinxin and said lightly, "you can go."

Zhao Xinxin thought Zhao Mingxiang would compromise, but he unexpectedly drove her away directly.

Qiao Mo Shang looks at Zhao Xinxin and says to the children beside him, "let's play there."

The older one left, and the younger ones gathered around to talk about their only topic, while Zhao Xinxin looked at the sugar and beans in the middle, and hated them.

Why are these two children so popular?

Zhao Xinxin walked towards the group of children and said in a vicious voice, "get out of my way." No matter who the child in front of him is, he goes straight to him.

Tangtang and Doudou, as well as a child in the second room of Zhao's family, were knocked down on the ground. At the beginning, they were still at a loss. Some of them didn't know the situation and what happened.

"Hey, elder sister, what are you doing? I don't know if I'm sorry when I hit you." In their eyes, Zhao Xinxin was intentional.

"Is that too much for you, elder sister? When you see someone here, you deliberately bump into him. " Several children helped up the three who fell. The wrist of the child in the second room of Zhao's family was bruised and bleeding. Presumably, there was nothing wrong with sugar and beans.

"You're bleeding, are you ok?"

"It hurts." That child is about the same age as sugar and sugar. He didn't cry when his hand was hurt, but the tears kept rolling in his eyes.

There was a child who ran to a nearby place cleverly and told Zhao Mingxiang and other people about it.

When Jomo Shang heard this, she immediately became angry. The woman pushed sugar and they fell down.

Just walked past, heard Zhao Xinxin that arrogant words: "who let you block the way here?"

Qiao Mo Shang sneers and walks over, saying nothing, kicking Zhao Xinxin's stomach and kicking people out for a long time.

"What are you doing? Why kick me? "

"Why? You are our way. " Qiao Mo Shang's hands around his chest, looking at Zhao Xinxin coldly, isn't that what she said? He only treats people in their own way.

Zhao Xinxin just remembered how wrong she had just acted. If her father knew about it, she would be finished.

"I, I Big brother...... " Zhao Xinxin I don't know how to explain for a long time. I can only look at Zhao Mingxiang with the eyes of asking for help.

"Too much for you."