Ningmengyao looked at his son and said a set of words. His eyelids jumped. Where did he hear these words from?

"Little monkey, I think it's necessary for me to have a good talk with you." Ning Mengyao said with a straight face.

"What did I just say? No, right? " Jomo Shang looked around blankly, pretending to say.

Looking at their family like this, Shisong suddenly felt envious. If his parents were still there, maybe he was the same.

"You little boy." Ningmengyao reached out his hand and pinched his ears with a wry smile, and shook his head with a wry smile. This child has the ability to make her helpless.

Qiao moshang smiled, but he was not angry. Several people walked all the way, talking and laughing all the way. Qiao Tianchang also deliberately told Shi Song some questions, all about marching and fighting.

Ningmengyao's eyelids jumped, and turned to look at Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang, you don't want to Let him join the army? "

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "he is very suitable."


"Yao Yao, we are going back sooner or later. If he wants to, he can go with us. Then I can let Lei An take him with me. As long as he has that ability, it's only a matter of time before he can make a name in the army." Qiao Tianchang said seriously.

Shi song looks at Qiao Tianchang and his wife in a daze. After listening for a long time, he doesn't understand: "Mo Shang, uncle, what are they talking about?"

"In the future, we will leave here and go to another place where my father is a general. If you want to go with us then, my father means that you want to go to the barracks. Uncle Lei is a general. Let him take you with him. You will surely be able to build your career soon." Jomo Shang explained.

"Really? Uncle is so powerful. " He knows another place. It's different from their place. They are all families here, but that place is different. There are countries and armies in that place. He heard his father once said that.

"You're going back with us?"

"Yes, I don't have any relatives here. It's better to stay here than go with you at that time. Moreover, I heard my father said about the army. At that time, I thought that if there were any here, I would definitely join the army." Shisong said excitedly.

“……” Qiao Tianchang's family looked at Shisong's excited appearance without any words, and their arrangement just coincided with the meaning of Shisong.

"Before you go, I will teach you some knowledge of marching and fighting, as well as tactics." Qiao Tianchang thought, since it is to help, it is natural to let people do a good job, save when it can give him shame.

"Thank you, uncle. I will study hard." Shisong's eyes are bright and his expression is very excited.

Qiao Mo Shang looked at Shi Song and said angrily, "can dad learn?"

He rubbed his son's head and Joe Tianchang said with a smile, "Shanger never underestimated a person. Everyone's potential is infinite, just like Shisong. He has infinite strength. Although he is honest and honest, he is not really honest. Such a person is most suitable for military camp. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Asked Jomo Shang subconsciously.

"This will confuse others."


"Yes, when you see a simple and honest person, do you think he is a second Leng? Do you know only about the fight, not the strategy? " Qiao Tianchang explained with a smile.

Jomo Shang nodded, "it's possible."

"That's right, but if this honest and honest person, in fact, a heart is a delicate heart?" Qiao Tianchang continues to raise points.

"If so, the enemy will be bewildered by appearances and will surely suffer a great loss at that time."

"You are right, and Shisong is such a person, a simple and honest person with a delicate heart." Joe Tianchang nodded with satisfaction.

Hearing Qiao Tianchang's meaning, Shi song suddenly felt that he didn't have any problems.

"Little monkey will let your uncle Yufeng teach him after he goes back, and promise to teach him to be a fox."