Thinking of his uncle Yufeng, Jomo Shang couldn't help but draw a corner of his mouth, looking at Shi Song and sympathizing, "Shi Song wishes you good luck."


"Well then you will know." There are only three words to describe Jomo Shang in Yufeng, that is, the old fox. He is also an old fox with only means. He really wants Yufeng to teach Shisong. At that time, he has some doubts about what kind of person he will teach.

"Little monkey, is your uncle so terrible?" Ning Mengyao said with some difficulty.

Qiao Mo Shang looked at Ning Mengyao seriously: "Niang, my uncle is not terrible at all, he is abnormal at all."

He had been with Yufeng for a while, which was just like death, but he was a little bit unable to support it. He doubted whether Shisong could support it.

"Shanger, Yufeng will be very happy to hear you praise him like this." Qiao Tianchang took a look at his son and said lightly that he was satisfied with his son's stiff body.

"Dad, I didn't seem to provoke you today, did I?"


"How can you do this to your son?"

"What do you say, little monkey? What does your father call you? "

Qiao moshang wants to explain to Ning Mengyao, but seeing Qiao Tianchang's smiling expression, he immediately chokes back and explains with a dry smile: "it's OK, it's OK, I'm bullshit."

During the conversation, everyone had returned to the tavern. During the meal, sugar and Doudou were listening to them. They were strange to the two barracks, but they knew that dad was very liha.

"Dad is the best."

"Well, Doudou will be a general in the future." Doudou nodded in a hurry and said expectantly.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and rubbed the head of the day. The smile on his face didn't fade. Ning Mengyao was worried. But then he thought, maybe the child just said that? I didn't care about it immediately.

"What do you think they will do at night?"

"It's all their business how to do that. What's important is that I want to know how many days will be left in the challenge arena. I don't have the interest to stay." Ning Mengyao said impatiently.

Once or twice, this kind of thing will be very interesting, but it will become boring after a long time, and they haven't done anything for a few days, but none of them came out.

"My mother is right. It's no fun if those people don't come out."

"The Xiao family can't last for a few days." Shisong suddenly said.

Ningmengyao several people's line of sight fell on the body of Shisong at the same time some accident asked: "how do you know?"

"When I went hunting in the deep mountain some time ago, I saw the people of the Xiao family. They found a very large tomb in the deep mountain, but they couldn't get in. The Xiao family has lost a lot of people." Shisong scratched his head, embarrassed.

Tombs? Is there anything good in it? Otherwise, the Xiao family would not be so persistent, or even in such a way

"Tianchang, what do you think the Xiao family is thinking?" Ning Mengyao is confused.

"Maybe they want to use people outside to help them open the tomb and help them in the tomb. Of course, this help is probably only one-sided." Qiao Tianchang said in a deep voice.

Ningmengyao reached out to touch her chin, and her face was full of bad intentions: "tomb, Tianchang, I suddenly felt interested."

"I think it's interesting, too. What kind of tomb can make them so boastful." Qiao Tianchang said with a smile.

Qiao moshang's head is crooked and smashed on the table. He looks at Ning Mengyao and her face is very tangled. Do you want to tell them?

"Little monkey, what's your expression? What do you want to say? " What does this kid want to do with such an expression?

"Niang's tomb may have something to do with you." Jomo said weakly.

"About me?"

Jomo Shang nodded, then touched some tea with his hand, and wrote a word on the table. That son was obviously Xiao.