Zhao Mingyu opened his eyes and poked the stone pine beside him. Then he pointed to Qiao mofeng: "don't worry, Feng is a master of medicine and poison. He doesn't pay attention to this little poison."

Shisong subconsciously turns to see Qiao mofeng, and only when you see him nodding gently can you believe what they said is true.

"That's good, but be careful, especially when you go in, many strange things will come out, and they are all poisonous." Shisong's face is still serious, and he has suffered from it. If he had not been lucky, he would have died. So even if he had entered the mountain, he would not have gone deep.

Joe mofeng reached for his chin, with a smile on his face, which made people feel very strange.

"What are you thinking, Feng? I'm afraid of your expression. " Every time this kid shows such an expression, it means that something bad must happen.

Joe mofeng rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully, "it's a rare opportunity to find some poisons to help me catch them. The more poisons, the better."

Zhao Mingyu and Shi Song stumbled and almost fell in a low voice. Zhao Mingyu reached out to touch Qiao mofeng's forehead: "do you have a fever?"

"No, I need a lot of poisons. Help me." Joe Mo Feng disrelished the hand on the forehead to pull down, looking at them seriously said.

"What are you doing with these poisons? The more poisonous it is, the better. "

"Of course it works." Take these poisons back to uncle Nanyu. I'm not sure he can raise an interesting insect. I'm very excited about it.

His attainments in medicine and poison are quite high, but he has no talent for insects. He can understand it. If he really wants to raise insects, he may not be able to do so.

"You don't use it to make drugs, do you?" Zhao Mingyu asked with some uncertainty.

Joe mofeng nodded, "that's right."


"Well, don't ask so many questions. Now you don't know what you said, and then you will know." Joe mofeng was excited when he thought about it.

Qiao moshang looks at his eldest brother like this, and his mouth slightly twitches. Should he be glad that eldest brother didn't learn to raise Gu with uncle Nanyu? Otherwise, I don't know how crazy it will be.

"Big brother, I suddenly feel that you have no talent in this area and are very good." Qiaomoshang looked at qiaomoshan's excited look, he couldn't help it, he said directly.

Qiao Mo Feng looked at Qiao Mo Shang and said, "Shanger has more skills and doesn't press on, right?"

Qiao Tianchang and his wife couldn't help laughing at their appearance.

"Well, let's go too. People are far away." Ningmengyao is not going to let them continue their nonsense here. If they don't go, they will not be able to make it.

Shi song is worried. Since he entered the forest, his body has been in a tight state, while Qiao Tianchang and his wife are keeping two small ones tightly, which means nothing to relax.

At a fork in the road, Shisong's steps suddenly stopped. Because they were walking at the back, the people in front didn't find out what they had stopped.

"What happened to Shisong?"

"My aunt should be careful next. The most dangerous road chosen by the Xiao family is that there are more poisons and the road is more difficult to walk. It's impossible to say that any leaves and red flowers you encounter may be poisonous." He only walked half of this place, but on the way, he saw a lot of corpses and bones. At that time, he was still with those people. For money, they also went to this place. Later, he left, because even though they were dissatisfied, those people also followed him, but two people, because they accidentally picked up something on the side, then died, and they were breathing In between, two people's lives are gone.

Qiaomofeng looked at Shisong, took out several pills and handed them: "take them, this is the antidote pill."

Several people took the pills, and then they went in together. Before they could catch up with the people in front, they heard a shrill scream in front of them. It was obvious that someone was dead.