Qiaomofeng listened to the scream in front of him and frowned slightly: "it seems that it's different from what Shisong said. There are indeed many poisons in it. If you are not careful, you may die."

"Be careful not to touch anything around you." Ningmengyao naturally understood Qiao mofeng's meaning, and immediately ordered.

"Don't worry, mom. We know how to protect ourselves."

When the family catches up with those people, they see four men lying on the ground with very sad faces. Their expressions are very ferocious. They know that they must have suffered a lot before they die.

"What kind of poison is it? How can it be so strange?" Before with Joe Mo Feng choking girl frowned very surprised said.

Qiao Mo Feng looked at the people on the ground, glanced around, and soon saw something that shouldn't be here in a small corner.

"What did you find, maple?" Qiao Tianchang's internal power transmits to Qiao mofeng's ears, and Qiao mofeng nods his head.

"If aunt Qingshuang and uncle Nanyu were here, they would be so excited that they would go crazy." Although Qiao mofeng did not directly answer Qiao Tianchang's words, he also indirectly told Qiao Tianchang what he knew.

Ningmengyao's eyebrows are light, which can excite Qingshuang to madness. They haven't seen anything, but there are only two kinds of things. They are poisonous herbs or poisonous poisons.

You should know that in the current Xiaoyao villa, the courtyard of Nanyu and Qingshuang are not willing to go in, because there are all kinds of poisonous herbs and poisons in it. As long as you go in, you don't know if you have any life to come back alive. Therefore, the people of Xiaoyao Villa are far away from both of them.

"You're not going to take these back, are you?" Ningmengyao has some headaches. What a big project it would be to take all these things back? Are you sure what he said is true?

"I do think so, and they are all the best." Jomo Feng said excitedly.

The things here are not bad. He has seen several things he likes.

When Qiao mofeng was thinking about how to get the grass back, the girl just came down to him, reached for his arm, and looked at him with bright eyes: "do you know what the poison is? Can you tell me

Joe mofeng, who didn't like to be touched by strangers, turned black in an instant. He reached for the arm and threw the man out. If it wasn't for her family to catch him, he would fall to the ground.

"Are you OK, Xiaorui?" A young man, who looked like Zhao Mingyu, hurriedly ran to help him up and asked in a hurry.

Tang Rui impatiently pushes aside the people around him, looks at Qiao Mo Feng and says angrily, "what are you doing?"

"I have a habit of cleanliness." While talking, he reached out and pulled down the place where Tang Rui had just grabbed. Fortunately, his clothes are several layers, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

"You You... "

"Ah, I don't know if you know what this poison is? If you know that, can you let us know? " The second master of the Xiao family came out to finish the match at the sign of the leader of the Xiao family.

Qiao Mo Feng looked at Tang Rui's angry face lightly: "I think she knows more, you can ask her."

His poisons are all things that can't be put on the table. How can he know those things that can be put on the table? Ask him, isn't it for nothing?

The second master of the Xiao family choked for a while. Tang Rui's face was blue and white. Who knows that he was so fierce.

"What's so remarkable about you? Why don't you apologize to Xiaorui

"I'm nothing, so I don't know what these poisons are. As for apologies, I don't think I've done anything wrong. It's not her shameless dragging me. Will I throw people out directly?"