Ningmengyao is also surprised to see Qiao mofeng. Although he looks very gentle, he always keeps a distance from women and doesn't even like the touch of girls. But he doesn't have such an attitude towards tea and tea? It's just too weird.

However, looking at the simple and lovely appearance of tea and tea, Ning Mengyao felt that she could understand it again. She also agreed with the points for Qiao moshang's words, and Hatu was even more happy. She looked at her daughter chatting with Qiao Moshan happily.

A group of leisurely listen to the two people chat, chat too fascinated they did not find, the people around did not talk.

Compared with the ease behind them, the front is not easy. At first, it was poisonous grass, then poisonous insects, and now it is a kind of vine. It can move by itself. What a strange place it is.

"Don't you say how long before they go out?" Tea tea bumped Qiao Mo Feng on the edge with her elbow and asked curiously.

"You want to help them?"

"I don't want to. The smell on them makes me uncomfortable. I don't like it." Tea and tea don't like the frown, not happy to say.

"That's it? Look more and talk less. "

"Why?" "Tea and tea are very silly and cute," he asked.

"Of course, it's a play. If you don't see a play, it's an idiot."

Tea and tea Oh, obediently do not speak, Hatu watched Gu Ling's strange daughter meet Qiao mofeng and become like this, and felt a headache for a moment.

Ningmengyao looked at Hatu, but she also couldn't help crying and laughing: "Hatu patriarch, you may visit us when things here are over."

"Good." Hatu nodded very heartily.

When she was in the tribe, there was no young man in the tribe who showed love to her daughter, but she didn't know anything, as if she didn't know anything. Looking at the appearance of tea now, Hatu felt that her daughter didn't know anything, but she didn't meet the right person.

Qiao Mo Shang glanced at Qiao Mo Feng, with a thick smile in his eyes: "my mother and brother have a good marriage and a happy life."

"Is it?"


"that's good. Your fengxiao Godfather wants him to do that." Ning Mengyao looks at the two people in front of her with a little doting in her eyes.

Because of his childhood experience, Joe mofeng's spirit has always been tense, especially after something happened that had not completely destroyed his face, he was like a taut string, which would break if he was a little careless.

The acquaintance with Zhao Mingyu made him relax a little. Then came the appearance of tea and tea. She could see that he was very relaxed when chatting with tea and tea, as if It seems that all the things in my heart have been put down.

The result is that Ning Mengyao is happy to see it come true: "Tianchang, do you think fengxiao will collapse directly?"

"No, tea and tea is a lovely girl. Fengxiao really loves Fenger, so he will only be happy and will not collapse." If he is fengxiao, he only hopes that his only son can be happy, and with tea and tea, Joe mofeng is really very happy.

"You're right."

When Hatu heard that they praised their daughter, he was very proud. But when he heard the name fengxiao, he was surprised: "fengxiao? What you won't say is that Feng Xiao of that Feng family

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"What's the relationship between that boy and fengxiao?" That's exactly what Hatu asked.

"Feng'er is fengxiao's own son and our adopted son."

"I see."


As they walked and chatted, there was a scream and a buzz in front of them.

"It's the Royal bee. They even provoke the Royal bee?" Tea tea's face changed at the sound.

"I remember the honey of the Royal bee is a good thing," he said, touching his chin

Tea mouth open big, very uncertain looking at the side of Joe mofeng: "you don't want to steal honey?"

"It's not stealing, it's fair taking."

"Isn't it all the same? But how do you lead away the Royal bee? " She has never seen a royal bee before. She only knows that it is highly poisonous, especially the queen bee.

"Would you like to have a look?"