"To go." Tea tea would not like to nod said.

"Then wait for me." Said Qiao Mo Feng began to search for something, and soon found several Brown fruits under a huge tree. The fruits were not good-looking, but tea and tea knew each other.

"How do you know this is here?" She doesn't know the name of this thing, but ah knows the effect. The taste of the juice in it can drive away the bees, and the effect is very good.

"I'll let you know later." Qiao mofeng handed the brown fruits to Ning Mengyao and said, "Mom, take this thing. If the bees can't handle it, you can cut off the small fruit. The taste in it can drive away the bees."

"What do you do?"

"Sure. Let's go for tea and tea." Qiaomo Feng with tea waved not to take away a trace of cloud.

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang, and her face was stunned: "Tianchang, feng'er turned away the tea."

"Well, I see it." Now it's not like this, but to explain it to Hatu, right?

"Old seven, tea and tea followed others, but they didn't say hello to us." Hatu has a feeling of heart blocking. Why is his daughter abducted?

Qiaomofeng secretly left with tea and tea, but he didn't go to rescue people as he said, but found the beehive, cut bamboo nearby, made a simple bamboo tube, and then lifted the brown fruit into the beehive, and within a few minutes the Royal bees in the beehive flew out, even the queen bee was no exception. Qiaomofeng prepared the queen bee for long time The bamboo tube was caught, so the bee hive was cut open and honey was taken.

Tea and tea surprised at Qiao mofeng: "Wow, you are so good."

After taking three bamboo tubes full of honey, Qiao mofeng left with tea and tea. When they went back, some people had been stung by the Royal bee, and their faces were red and swollen, including Tang Rui.

"Niang honey, take it first. Let's get rid of these things." Joe mofeng and tea went to the front to find some of the fruits and gave them to the people to divide them.

Soon the Royal bees around them were dispersed. Although no one died, some people were injured.

"You mean it? Since you have a way to get rid of these bees, why don't you start earlier and watch us stung by bees? " The pain on Tang Rui's face made her scream a little unbearably, and her words were also very harsh.

"Why are you so impolite? Even if there is a way to find these things do not need time? So many people do you think one or two can disperse the swarm? It's true that the dog bites LV Dongbing and doesn't know the good people. " Tea and tea said discontentedly, it was too much to know that they would not save her.

Joe Mo Feng raised a super functional smile at the corner of his mouth and sarcastically said, "let's go. We don't expect such people to appreciate us."

"Wait a moment, dear nephew. Since you have a way to drive away the bees, then Do you have any way to treat the wounds stung by the Royal bee? " The leader of the Xiao family doesn't have the same brain as Tang Rui. He can say anything. If it wasn't for the two of them, now they are still surrounded by bees.

"Maple son, tea you come over, good intention saves a person to be actually complained about, unexpectedly so still save what?" Joe snorted coldly and said coldly.

The Xiao family leader's face changed. He hated Tang Rui in his heart. He saved you. Even if you didn't thank him, you came to blame others. It's true

"We didn't think about it like this, Mr. Qiao. We are very grateful that he saved us. It's just the bee venom..."

Qiao mofeng looks at Qiao Tianchang and nods at him. He takes tea and tea with him. They go to find herbs together, which makes Tang Rui hate it. He doesn't want to talk to himself, but he is so close to other women. It's really annoying.