Is this what we call duplicity? What I think is totally different from what I say in my mouth.

Tang Rui endured the pain, looked at them to divide the medicine to others but ignored himself, immediately worried: "what do you mean?"

"Didn't you say I didn't save you on purpose? In this case, I really won't save you. To die is to say that it's your own business, and to save it at that time is a thankless business. " Qiao Mo Feng said lightly.

Although there is nothing wrong with this, but let us know what is called a curse from the mouth.

Wasn't it because someone said something they shouldn't have said and was taught? The eldest lady can't see the reality clearly.

"You..." Tang Rui's whole person is silly. She didn't expect to be like this. Her face changed after brushing. The wound on her face seemed to be more painful. She looked at Qiao mofeng with fierce eyes.

Tea and tea don't like Tang Rui's way: "don't let's go." Then he reached out and pulled his arm away, leaving Tang Rui with a back.

They are a little embarrassed. The medicine is just enough for everyone, but there is no Tang Rui. Under the eyes of Tang family, the leader of Xiao family walked over helplessly: "look at this, young lady, if you say something wrong, you can give some punishment. But the Royal bee is extremely poisonous. If..."

"Doesn't she know pharmacology, too? Since you know that, go to find it yourself. After all, people can't see us. " Qiao Tianchang didn't speak yet. Qiao mofeng began to talk at leisure.

Tea and tea also nodded seriously on the edge: "yes, she doesn't dislike herself? If you don't like it, you can find it yourself. "

The leader of the Xiao family is ready to cry without tears. What are you talking about the Miss Tang family's nonsense here? Did you lose this time?

At last, Ning Mengyao could not help but let Qiao mofeng take out the antidote.

After this incident, people around know not to look down on this very gentle looking, cold hearted boy.

Although Tang Rui's wounds were cured, she didn't thank them at all, but she still felt resentful. She thought that Qiao mofeng and her friends were deliberately looking at her jokes.

Tea and tea looked at Tang Rui, frowning discontentedly: "why do you want to give her antidote? Look at her like that and you'll know she's upset. "

Qiao Mo Feng looked at the tea and said lightly, "if you want to teach people a lesson, there are many opportunities. You don't need to care for a while."

Tea eyes purr purr purr turned a circle of children, then smile and nod: "you are right."

"Don't overdo it, maple."

"Don't worry, Dad. I have a sense of propriety. By the way, the honey we find can give sugar and beans more to eat. It's also good for the health." Joe Mo Feng suddenly thought of what he got with tea and tea, his eyes brightened.

He hasn't got it yet. Now he's excited to think about it.

Ningmengyao opened one of the bamboo tubes, and the rich honey fragrance was filled in the tip of her nose: "good smell."

"It's very good." Tea and tea are also eyes shining, very interested in this thing.

Ningmengyao put things away. As for the usage, she had a plan in mind.

"How are you, Xiaorui? Are you ok? " At night, Tang Rui sits in their camp and stares at Joe mofeng who doesn't know what he is talking about with tea tea. The young man looks at her and asks anxiously.

"Get out of the way. Don't bother me here." Tang Rui said impatiently.

Looking at Qiao Mo Feng and tea two people in there intimate talk, the facial expression is not ugly.

"That man's eyes are terrible." Tea tea inadvertently sees Tang Rui's eyes, she shrinks her neck, what does that woman want to do? The eyes are so terrible.

Qiao Mo Feng turned his head and looked at Tang Rui. After seeing the panic of Tang Rui's moment, he smiled sarcastically: "don't worry about her.

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Mo Feng and said, "Maple has a kind of people who need to be vigilant. Do you know who they are?"

"What?" Qiao Mo Feng subconsciously asked.

"A woman like Tang Rui."