Huang Fu Qing looked at Qiao Mo Shang in front of him. His face was a little complicated: "I didn't expect that we would meet again under such circumstances."

"Yes, man or that man, but things have changed. How is the spiritual family?" Qiao Mo Shang turns to look at Huang Fu Qing behind him, and asks with complicated expression.

"What do you think they will do without you as a genius? And the people of the spirit family already know that your parents killed you. They are looking for you now. After finding you, they will let you go back. " Huangfu Qing looked at Qiao moshang and said.

Jomo Shangha laughed a little sad: "let me go back? What reasons do they use to get me back? Qing, I'm living very well now. It's really special. I suddenly feel grateful for their killing me. "

"You have a fever?"

"No, you know what? Do you know what my father said after I told my parents everything? " Jomo Shangs face with a smile, but that smile is like crying.


"My father said that no matter who I am, no matter what I want to do, just remember that I am their son, which is enough. They have been very good to me since childhood. After having younger brothers and sisters, they treat me as always, even better than younger brothers and sisters. I never get that kind of feeling. At the beginning, I was even afraid that all this was false God they will be like that, but this idea hurt my mother. " Qiao moshang tells Huangfu Qing everything about himself, just like telling other people's experiences.

Huangfu Qing looks at Qiao moshang. No wonder he will say thanks to them for killing him. If it was him, he would think so.

"I'm just Jomo Shang now, not the coffin. I'm the eldest son and heir of the Joao family. As for the Lingjia family, it has nothing to do with me since I died." Jomo Shang said lightly.

Huangfu Qing looks at this Qiao Mo Shang and suddenly thinks that this guy's luck is really good. He has such a pair of parents, a brother and two younger brothers and sisters.

"I see what you mean now."

"How are you now?"

"As the young master of Huangfu family, what can I do?" Huangfu Qing said sarcastically.


The Huangfu family is harmonious in the eyes of others, but only they know that there are many fights between them.

"I don't know you."

Huangfu was stunned, then smiled, "I know the coffin. Who are you?"

Jomo Shang smiled and threw a bottle of pills to Huangfu: "this should be a gift for you. You are welcome."

Huangfu Qing looks at Qiao moshang who has left. He can't help laughing. Mo Shang, even his name is so enviable. Mo Shang, Mo Shang, don't get hurt. It seems that his parents are really bad for him. Even his name has such expectations and blessings. Suddenly he is envious.

Such parents, no matter who they are, want to have it, right?

The next day, when Qiao moshang woke up, there was no extra mood fluctuation in his eyes. When he saw Huangfu Qing, he just nodded and said hello. He didn't know him at all.

Standing at the entrance of the cemetery, Ning Mengyao looks at the busy Xiao family and the Lingjia people. The smile on her face has never disappeared.

At last, it took a lot of time to remove the five elements and gossip from the cave. Qiao mofeng was beside Ning Mengyao and said, "don't rush in later."


"Well, this is a killing array. It was opened so easily. I'm afraid there is still a shadow hiding array behind it." Jomo Feng whispered.

Qiaomoshang's fingers moved a few times. Huangfu Qing could not help but cover his eyes and smile. He said he didn't know each other, but he couldn't do it, could he?

"Young Lord, shall we go?"

"Don't worry."

After the array was opened, the people who couldn't wait to go in gave a shrill scream as soon as they stepped in.

Ningmengyao reached out and held sugar: "sugar is not afraid?"

"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of my father, my mother and my brothers."