Although she is actually afraid, as long as she sees her father, mother and brother around, she is not afraid at all. She believes that father, mother and brother will protect her.

Ningmengyao kissed Tangtang on the cheek: "Tangtang is so good, so brave."

Tang Rui's face was pale. The people who were just beside her died. The warm blood was still on her face. If it wasn't for her father's quick hand, she would be finished. She would die here just like those people.

Tea tea face also some white, but it is not said, Joe Mo Feng see her like this, take out a sugar ball to her: "eat it."

"Thank you."

With a sugar ball in the mouth, the tea seems to be better, which is a relief.

Because of this hidden array, everyone is careful and careful. After entering the tomb, Ning Mengyao found that there is air circulation in it, and there is no such unpleasant smell after a long time of closure.

Huangfu Qing followed them with people. He looked at them with complicated faces. Just now when there was a danger, those people, especially Qiao moshang's parents, protected them very well. They were really very good.

After arriving at the center of the tomb, there are ten passageways in total, obviously to be chosen by oneself.

The face of the Xiao's family leader gave off a happy smile for a while. Ning Mengyao knew that there must be something fishy in the middle of the scene as soon as they saw it.

"You have seen that there are so many roads in this place. Let's decide how to go." Sure enough, the master of the Xiao family stood up and said happily.

"Yao Yao selected?"

"Well, I like four. Let's go." Ning Mengyao pointed to the fourth channel on the left and said with a smile.

Naturally, Hatu was with them. During this period of time, he knew that this couple was not simple at all. It was right to follow them.

Huangfu Qing wanted to go somewhere else, but he saw the gesture of Jomo Shang and followed him with a smile: "let's go here, too."

When they all left, don Rui was a little annoyed. They should also keep up with these people. They must know something.

What happened to the people outside? Ning Mengyao didn't know. But after entering this passage, Ning Mengyao confirmed her conjecture. Of all the roads, only this one is the living one. This road made her feel some wind.

Huangfu Qing'er felt it. He looked at ningmengyao thoughtfully. Who is this woman.

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang walk in front of each other. Only sugar and beans are carried by Zhao Mingyu and Shi Song. Qiao moshang is protected by Qiao Moshan.

"Yao Yao be careful. There should be a mechanism in front." Qiao Tianchang suddenly stops and looks at Ning Mengyao.

"Well, maybe."

This place is totally different from before. The previous slate looks like a whole block, but here it is one here, there is one there, and there is something like a copper man on the edge.

Ning Mengyao said in a deep voice, "copper man."

"Be careful."

Ningmengyao stands in front of her. She wants to go out, but Qiao Tianchang stops her before she goes out.

"I will."

Qiao Tianchang walked out step by step. When he walked the second step, it seemed that he stepped on the mechanism, and all the copper people on the edge suddenly moved.

"Tianchang be careful."

The two men started at the same time. Seeing this, Huangfu Qing leaped to the front and dealt with the copper men with them. Hatu and Laoqi didn't stand by and watch: "protect these little guys."

Five people still have some difficulty in dealing with ten copper people. Ning Mengyao frowned tightly: "Tianchang will fight quickly, Hatu, you will quit."

Huangfu Qing didn't want to leave, but before he could say anything, Qiao Tianchang grabbed his collar and threw it out.

After only two of them were left in the battlefield, Ning Mengyao and his wife took a look at each other, took out their soft swords, and their internal power burst out in a flash, which made the Hatu on the side look stupid. They were so powerful.