"Ah..." Tang Rui screams when she is trampled by Qiao mofeng's strength. If it's elsewhere, she can bear it. But now, when he tramples on her like this, it makes her very miserable.

"I just pushed tea with my hands and threw sugar out, didn't I?" Joe Mo Feng eyes such as ice looking at the people on the ground cold mouth asked.

He never said that he was a good man, and he could not repay others with good, especially for the safety of his family.

When sugar and sugar were thrown out, he thought of what he had been hurt by his mother. He should not let sugar and sugar suffer as much as he did.

"Ah I'm not Not on purpose. You let me go. "

Tea came to apologize and said, "I'm sorry that I didn't protect the sugar. It's all my fault."

Joe Mo Feng shook his head: "only a thousand days to be a thief, which has a thousand days to prevent thieves, it's not your fault."

"You go to help my aunt and they. This woman has been handed over to me. I'll make her die." Tea tea expression cold said.

Don't think that she really doesn't understand anything. This woman's mind is so vicious that she even wants to do something with little sugar.

Jomo Shang glared at the man who held his sister in his arms and said angrily, "how long are you going to hold my sister?"

"Don't be so mean. Your sister is my sister." Although he said that, Huangfu Qing let people down and the guy who saved the money went berserk.

Seeing his reality, Jomo Shang didn't say anything more. He just looked at him with sugar and sugar. He was relieved to see that he was really OK. He now regrets that he should have killed people before.

"Go to see your brother avenge you." I dare to move their little princess. I'm dying.

Sugar and sugar in Jomo's arms rubbed: "I know the best brother."

After waiting for the sugar to return to the side, Doudou hurriedly pulls the person: "are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

When everyone arrived, Tangtang looked at the people who kept rolling and screaming on the ground, hummed, took out a red pill from his purse, and thrust it into Tang Rui's mouth.

"You're a bad woman. You want to fight me. You think I'm a bully." Sugar hummed and said angrily.

Huangfu Qing looks at Tangtang unexpectedly and wonders what she has done?

Soon Huangfu Qing knew what she had done, and even the tea and tea on the side stopped.

As a human being, Tang Rui even groaned like a snake in her mouth, and her body was writhing more intolerably. Then they saw that Tang Rui's face and hands were all like scales.

"What is this?"

"Snake bug." Jomo sad light explanation.

Huangfu lifted his eyelids and looked at the little and lovely man: "you give her this thing to play with?"

"What are you worried about? It's not only snake venom, but also snake venom. It's also the most poisonous snake venom. " It seems that Jomo Shang didn't strike people enough, and once again he spoke.

Huangfu Qing looks at Qiao moshang for a long time, turns his head and looks at Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife who wash the Xiao family like a cat and a mouse: "uncle, they are really enlightened." This kind of deadly thing can be played by his daughter, and it's still such a small one.

"It was sugar that I stole from Aunt Qingshuang." Aunt Qingshuang, they have too many poisons, but they don't know a little bit about them. That's why they make a hole for sugar.


Reach out and scoop the sugar into your arms and hold it: "what's the fun of this little girl? So dangerous. "

"I like it." Sugar crisp raw said.

Huangfu Qing suddenly felt a little sad. With such a girl, uncle, they were very sad.

It's too troublesome to watch the child all the time and take care of her mind. He thinks that if he has such a daughter, he can't do it. He's not sure that he will slap his hand after the child does such a thing.