"Huangfu Qing, you dare to fight my sister. My parents can shoot you to death." Qiao Mo Shang looked at Huangfu coolly and said with a smile.

Huangfu Qings speechless look at Qiao moshang: "I don't seem to say anything."

"Your eyes have betrayed your mind, and you can guess without saying it." Qiao Mo Shang looked at Huangfu and said maliciously.

Huangfu Qing stopped talking and put down the sugar. In such a break, no one paid attention to Tang Rui's body changes.

Qiao Tianchang slapped the leader of Xiao's family out a long way, and was hit hard on the stone wall, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"We don't do it because we're afraid of you. We just don't want to do it." Joe looked at the man lying on the ground, covering his chest to breathe.

"Let's go. It's no fun to stay." Ning Mengyao looked at each other and said.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded, went to Huangfu Qing's side and thanked him: "thank you for saving Tangtang."

"You're welcome, uncle. I'm a friend with him. I'll save his sister naturally. If not, your help will be enough." Huangfu Qing didn't say who he would be, but Qiao Tianchang and they guessed that the smile on his face was stronger.

After coming out of the tomb, I saw lingfu at the door of the tomb.

Lingfu ignored the others and went directly to Qiao moshang's side: "you are the coffin, aren't you?"

Qiao Mo Shang glanced at Ling Fu lightly: "is it or not, and how?"

"Come back, brother."

"I'm not your brother. I'm the brother of Tangtang and Doudou. I have nothing to do with you." Qiao moshang looks at lingfu's light opening.

Lingfu looked at him in astonishment, and the expression on his face changed completely. If it wasn't for Huangfu Qing, he would not have guessed that this man was his brother who had been looking for a long time.

Even if it was a joke with him till now.

"Let's go." Qiao Tianchang didn't want his son to have too much to do with the Lingjia people, so he called out directly.

"Here we are."

Ling Fu watched Qiao Mo Shang leave from his side and grabbed his arm with his hand: "many people are waiting for your return, go back, I beg you, OK?"

Qiao Moshan turns his head and stretches out his arm and pulls down his hand: "I'm not the coffin. I'm Qiao Moshan. I belong to Qiao family. When they asked for my life, I was not the coffin of the spirit family. I wasn't before, and I won't be now. Go back and tell them, don't disturb my life. I'm not going back to destroy the whole spirit family, which is my biggest pole It's limited, so don't provoke me. "

Lingfu is very sensitive to a word, they? Who killed him? Didn't my parents say it was an accident?

"What do you mean, brother?"

"What? Didn't your parents tell you that my name was taken by them? And the purpose is to pave the way for you. " Qiao moshang looked at lingfu's eyes and said word by word.

Huangfu Qing went to Qiao Moshan's side and looked at lingfu with a sneering face: "even I know something that outsiders know. You, as the brother of the coffin, don't know at all. Are you stupid or believe your parents too much.

"No, it's impossible. They told me it was an accident." Lingfu did not believe that his kind parents would do such a thing.

"Believe it or not, it's all your own business. I'm very good now. I have loving parents, lovely younger brothers and sisters, excellent elder brothers, friends and family. They are all very good. I like the life here. As for Lingjia, if it doesn't belong to me, don't come back." Qiao Mo Shang didn't pay attention to his near collapse. He said faintly, with a kind of desperate voice.

But Jomo Shang knew that this was the best for him, and that the couple should teach him a lesson.

Lingfu looked at him, then at his present father and mother, brother and sister, brother and friend. He couldn't help laughing. Maybe his brother's words are right. Isn't such a life what he once hoped for?