"Mom, I know, I know, but I don't want to have any accidents, so let's forget it. If they continue to get tangled up, then don't blame me for doing it." Qiao moshang looks at Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang and says seriously.

Although Qiao Tianchang is still a little unhappy, he can only nod and agree: "since so, that's it."

"Thank you, Dad."

After hearing what Qiao moshang said, lingfu was totally stupid. He could not imagine that his death was so miserable.

"I don't believe it's true." Lingfu left in a hurry with anger and questioning, as if he wanted to go back to find his parents.

Huangfu Qing went to Qiao Moshan and punched him in the face: "you're such a jerk. You knew they were going to fight you, right? I believe that if you want to, in that case you can also send me messages, but you? What do you think I am, coffin? We are friends and brothers, but what about you? " Huangfu holds his eyes red and looks at Qiao moshang in front of him.

Qiao moshang looks at the furious Huangfu Qing and says, "it's just because I regard you as a friend, brother, that I don't want to tell you these things. Qingfu's position in Huangfu's family is not so good. How can I get you into trouble?"

"You..." Huangfu Qingqi's face was blue, but what he said was the truth. At that time, he was less than ten years old. Even if he had talent, he didn't dare to show too much. He had been hiding himself. But Jomo Shang had been helping him since then. Because of his help, he was able to escape the pursuit of those people again and again, and because of his help, he would become a prophet without any need To worry about names.

Why did he help so many things? He seems to be a person who can't help his friends.

"Don't think too much, Qing. I'm fine now."

"OK? Where's it going? As far as their couple's attitude towards you is concerned, how painful and painful you should have been at that time, but you are so kind that you don't tell me anything. If you bear it alone, if you see your stars are dim, I don't know what happened to you. How cruel are you to do such a thing in the coffin? " Huangfu Qing is still ungrateful. He looks at Jomo Shang fiercely and roars angrily.

Jomo Shang looks at Huangfu Qing with a headache. This guy is good at everything, but he is a bit fierce.

"Let's get out of here first." Jomo changes the subject dryly.

Shisong walks beside Qiao moshang and takes a look at him: "if I were Huangfu Qing, I might give you a good beating."

"Look at what even this honest man said, which means that you are a guy who needs to be beaten." Huangfu Qing snorted and said that he was very disgusted.

“……” Jomo is speechless. What trouble does this guy bring at this time.

Qiao Tianchang and his wife didn't say anything. They knew that Huangfu Qing was really worried about his son.

Sugar ran to Jomo Shang with ointment, tiptoed and looked at him: "brother wipe."

"Brother Tangtang is OK. He is very happy." Jomo Shang squatted down to look at sugar sugar, and said happily.

Sugar sugar some don't understand looking at Qiao Mo Shang, don't understand why brother was beaten will be so happy.

"You will understand later. Now we are not in a hurry."

"Oh, well."

When they left the forest, Shisong led the way. This time, they went out faster. When they got to the tavern, they went to wash one after another, and then they were ready to go back to the Xiaoyao villa.

"You're going back?"

"Yeah, it's been so long since I came out. It's time to go back. What's the matter with you? Come with us if you are OK. You will like that place. " Jomo Shang asked.

Huangfu Qing really didn't want to be separated from him so soon, so he asked his bodyguard to take things back to meet him first, and he and Qiao moshang left.