Zhao Mingyu and Shi song also went together this time, which made them a little excited. What kind of place is Xiaoyao villa?

It took them half a month on the road to Xiaoyao villa. When they entered the villa, Huangfu Qing felt that they had entered the paradise. It's really beautiful here.

"Wow, Feng is this your home? It's really beautiful. " Zhao Mingyu said excitedly.

"Well, although it's nice here, I still think my former home is more beautiful." Qiao Mo Feng said that there was Baishan village, which made him feel more warm.

Tea eyes purr purr purr everywhere slash: "Mo here is good."

Qiao mofeng smiled and nodded. Hatu was going to come here together, but because there were some things in the tribe, he couldn't come here. Only tea and tea came with him, which made ningmengyao speechless. He was so relieved of them? I'm not afraid that a good girl will be taken bad by them. "

" I've heard your voice from a long distance. What's the gain of going out this time? " Feng Xiao's voice came first, and when he saw Qiao Mo Feng, he came to give him a big hug.

"Dad, this is my friend, Zhao Mingyu and tea, and the other two are Shisong and Huangfu Qing, friends of Shanger." Qiao Mo Feng said with a smile.

Huangfu Qing looks at Qiao moshang accidentally: "isn't this your brother?"

"Yes, he is my father's and mother's adoptive son. I and Tangtang are the adoptive sons of Fengxiao godfather, so they are all the same." Jomo Shang said that he didn't care at all. This is the truth. There is nothing to hide.

Feng Xiao reached out to hook up Qiao Mo Feng's shoulder, smiled and said, "Hello, I'm feng'er's father, Feng Xiao."

"Fengxiao? Did I hear you wrong? "

"Qiao Mo Feng Bai Zhao Mingyu a look, directly said:" he is ill, go out to forget to take medicine

"Shit, Joe mofeng, don't think your father is here. I dare not fight you." Zhao Mingyu is furious.

"Have you ever hit me?" Qiao Mo Feng looked at Zhao Mingyu coolly and said contemptuously.

“……” Zhao Mingyu is really desperate now. Why is it normal for him to be in front of others? When he comes here, his mouth is poisonous.

"Uncle, when you were sure that he was young, how many jin of arsenic did you not feed him?" Zhao Mingyu looked at fengxiao and said earnestly.

Feng Xiao is stunned, then he laughs. His head is buried in Qiao Mo Feng's shoulder socket, and his whole body is shaking.

"Maple, you are a good friend."

"He went out and got his head caught in the door." Joe Mo Feng said with a black face.

He reached out and patted his son on the head, implying him not to say such a thing. It was rude.

"Well, go back. I've got a present for you." Feng Xiao's evil four laughed.

"Fenger little monkey, you take them to have a rest. Let's go and have a look with fengxiao." Said three people to leave, left a few children.

Huangfu Qing looked at Qiao moshang playfully: "so your aunt called you little monkey? But it doesn't look like a monkey, and you still don't contradict it. "

"What do you know?" Qiao moshang looks at Huangfu Qingqing. He didn't like this nickname before, but now he thinks it's very good. Anyway, it's only called by his mother, and others don't.

"Little monkey is a little name because Shanger was born with a little red skin and a little wrinkled, so his mother called him little monkey directly. Later, his white, white and tender father wanted her not to call him that, but he could not change it." Qiao Mo Feng explains at one side: "but this small name also only my mother can call, others really call not to export."

Qiao moshang completely inherits Qiao Tianchang's and Ning Mengyao's advantages in appearance. They are blue at all. Such people make them call little monkeys beyond the word.

Huangfu Qing looked at Qiao moshang's face and nodded approvingly: "you are right. Facing such a face, it's really hard to export."

"You don't have to call if you want to."

"Elder brother, I took them back to you to see where you are?"

"I'll take Mingyu and tea to my place. I'll take her to Grandpa later."

"Who is Grandpa Zu?"

"Grandpa Zu is the best doctor here."