What kind of retribution do you tell him? That's a joke of great value. If there is such a thing happening, how can the people who have done a lot of things that hurt the nature and cause harm live well?

If it is useful, will there be so many bad people in the world? Don't be simple, OK.

Looking at fengxiao like this, madam Feng said: "I really regret that I didn't kill you directly at the beginning."

"I know you regret it, but it's a pity. It's too late for you to regret now." Feng Xiao laughs and turns to leave, leaving them a figure.

Feng's family leader's end is like this. What will she become? Mrs. Feng didn't dare to think about it at all. She was really afraid that she would fall into the Feng's head's shoes.

However, she soon knew that he would not end up like the leader of the Phoenix family, because fengxiao didn't agree at all.

From that day on, Qiao Tianchang would go to the dungeon for a period of time every day, and then let the leader of Xiao family bear the pain of death slowly. The leader of Feng family would hate to die like that, but he found that even death was an extravagant hope. They really gave up their blood and hung his life with good medicine, so that he could not die.

Maybe he can't bear it. Joe Tianchang asked people to slowly cut off his limbs and feed them to the dog, so that he could see his body was divided by those big dogs.

Finally, the Feng family leader only has body, chest is still slightly undulating, proving that he still lives well.

Joe Tianchang looked at him with a smile that was very cold: "how is it? What's the feeling of watching your body and limbs being eaten by these beasts? "

At the beginning, he let these animals eat his body after Ziyou's death, so he let this man watch his body nibbled by these animals, but did he think it would be a relief?

"You After all... What do you want Sample. Feng's voice is already so angry that he looks at Qiao Tianchang and says with pain.

"What do you want? Of course, it makes your life worse than death. Don't you think it's over? Don't worry, I will let you live well. " Qiao Tianchang sneers, turns around and leaves, and tells the people in the dungeon to treat him well, but don't let him die.

When Feng Xiao knew the ending of Feng's family leader, he didn't have any extra reaction. He was only interested in seeing the face of Feng's wife. When he saw her like that, he gave up the idea of letting her die immediately. He thought it would be good to let her live in this fear.

However, what fengxiao didn't expect was that when the Feng family leader was still alive, the woman had scared herself crazy. Even though she was crazy, she killed herself by herself.

When he heard the news, fengxiao was totally stunned. He also thought that it would be so easy for fengma not to die. Who knows that she died like this.

"Is that so intimidating? It scared people crazy. It's not suicide. " Feng Xiao did not look at Qiao Tianchang, very depressed.

"How stupid are you to believe that woman will go mad?" Qiao Tianchang looked at fengxiao and said with contempt.

Feng Xiao stayed for a while, but before he spoke, Qiao mofeng was depressed: "I said Dad, what kind of person is that woman? Don't you know? You still believe that people like her will be scared crazy. "

By Qiao Tianchang to disrelish even if, even his son also disrelished himself, Feng Xiao suddenly speechless.

"Enough of you two."

Qiao Tianchang looks at fengxiao and doesn't know what to say, but Qiao mofeng says, "that woman must be afraid of being treated like this, so she pretends to be scared crazy and then commits suicide."

"Forget it. People are dead. It doesn't seem to be very useful to say that. Let's forget it." Feng Xiao said casually that he was not the kind of person who really wanted to find out the root, but felt that people died suddenly.