"By the way, Tianchang, how long do you keep that person as he is?" Feng Xiao asked curiously. Qiao Tianchang hasn't passed these days. It seems that he has forgotten this person. It makes him surprised. Doesn't this person completely forget this matter?

"Not for long." Even if he wants to toss people, he can't toss for a long time. After all, people's bearing capacity is also in that place. Moreover, that person should have no will to survive now. It's better to die if he lives like that.

Several people are chatting here. Ning Mengyao is thinking about something on the edge, frowning tightly. After a long time, he looks at fengxiao and asks, "fengxiao, I want to ask you a question."

"You said."

"What's in this place that we don't have?" Ningmengyao thinks that they should be going back soon, and some people will not go back with them. After all, this is their root for them, so she is considering the future development.

"Yes, and quite a lot, but what do you want to do?" Feng Xiao asked curiously.

"We may be going back soon. Some people will not go with us."

"You don't want to build a caravan at sea, do you?" Feng Xiao stares round eyes, can't believe looking at the woman in front of her. Does she know what she's talking about? How much time and money does it take to get through the business channel on the sea? Has she thought about it? And there's security and all kinds of things.

Ning Mengyao chuckled: "since I put it forward, I have already thought about it completely. There are things that are not here and there are things that are not there. Don't you think it's just right?"

If Ning Mengyao's expression is not too serious, he should suspect that this person is joking with himself. Such a thing can only be said by her.

"If it wasn't for your ability, I would really think you were kidding me." Feng Xiao still said with a strange face.

Ningmengyao couldn't help laughing: "fengxiao, you will soon know if I am joking with you. You should know that I never joke, especially in such things."

"Come on, I'll do it for you, but I'm going with you. Don't leave me alone then." Feng Xiao took a look at Ning Mengyao and said frankly.

Huangfu Qing was silent for a long time. He found a great business opportunity from their conversation. If they did, they would set off a great storm here.

"Aunt, if I can, can I also participate?" Huangfu Qing thought over his words and asked Ning Mengyao carefully.

"You are a little monkey's friend. I can give you priority naturally."

"Auntie, I want it too, although I don't have many shops." Zhao Mingyu laughed, but his expression was eager.

Ning Mengyao can't help her forehead, looking at the two helplessly, she said, "well, you two, for your part, I can even give you full power to deal with the sales."

Feng Xiao listens to Ning Mengyao's command without any words, and says with black lines: "I said Mengyao, did you neglect one thing? You are a ship. If you want to take goods, how big a ship do you need? Not only big, but also safe. "

"It's too late today. I'll show you tomorrow."


"Mother, are you ready?"

"What do you say?"

Joe Mo Feng eyes a turn, smiled: "I think mother must be ready."

His mother's sensitivity in business is unmatched. Maybe she started to deal with it when she came here, but they didn't know it.

"Mengyao, I really think you are a rich woman now." Feng Xiao said with a strange face.

"Thank you for your compliment."

Qiao Tianchang puts his hand around Ning Mengyao's waist. These days, he can't control the evil spirit in his heart. Only when his mother and son are around, can he be quiet gradually. He puts his hand on his eyebrow and rubs his heart. Qiao Tianchang's eyebrows are a little tired.