Looking at him like this, how can Ning Mengyao not know that his recent mood is not right?

"Tianchang, that's it." Ningmengyao turned to lean on his arms, reached out and rubbed his temples very seriously.

Qiao Tianchang's body is stiff and silent, but Ning Mengyao looks at him: "you are revenge for Ziyou, don't torture yourself like this, OK?"

"Tianchang, I think Mengyao is right. No matter what, people can't come back. You just want to revenge him, not torture yourself." Mufeng also disapproves of Qiao Tianchang's being trapped in the forest and worrying about his death.

Joe Tianchang opened his mouth and nodded at last: "I know."

They are right. No matter what freedom he has done now, he will not come back. Since he will not come back, nothing he has done is useless.

Ningmengyao had a smile on her face, but she was a little relieved. She was afraid that Qiao Tianchang would go to the top of her head, which was not a good thing.

"You just said you're going to open the west coast and the sea transportation there?"

"Yes, there are a lot of things that people over there will like, and there can be many."

"That's a good note."

Yufeng comes in from the outside with Shisong. The expression on his face is not very good: "you can ignore xiaoyao'er for a while. You need to consider the people outside."

"Well? Outside? "

"That's right. Someone took people to the outside of the villa. It seems that they are from the Xiao family. I want to see you by name, but I don't like that attitude." Said Yu fengleng.

When I came to find someone, I was so proud. I was not afraid of breaking my neck.

Ningmengyao was silent for a moment, then said, "don't care about them."

"Xiao Yao'er, you should know that this is not to ignore the problem, but they have already called. In their words, they want you to go out to meet them, or they will break in hard. We will be responsible for what happens then." How long have they not been threatened like this? I don't like this feeling.

The expression on Ning Mengyao's face was cold: "since people have said that, it seems that we can't talk about it without going out to have a look."

"Are you going to go out and have a look?"

"Naturally, let's go and see what they want to do." Ning Mengyao thinks that these people may not have a good intention to come to her.

Ningmengyao took people out with her. If she dared to go out, she would hear the clamour of those people.

A light look at the clamorous person, Ning Mengyao said at will: "Qingshuang is too noisy."

Qingshuang has long despised this man. He really takes himself for one thing and even speaks ill of the young lady in front of her.

The Xiao family didn't respond. The people who just kept shouting couldn't speak. They had to be there. I don't know what they said.

Ningmengyao looked at the people of the Xiao family and said lightly, "I don't know what's the matter with you coming to my Xiaoyao villa."

"Are you Ning Mengyao?" The leader ignored the mute man and squinted at Ning Mengyao in front of him, as if to see if she was as powerful as the rumor.

"So what? What if it's not? "

"Going back to Xiao's house is the only way for you." The leader said if he didn't want to.

Qiao Tianchang was in a bad mood these days. Now when he saw his wife being bullied, his face immediately changed. If Ning Mengyao didn't stop him, he would have started directly.

"Let me go back? We have to see if you have that ability. "

"Ning Mengyao, we came to call you to see you. Don't be shameless." Before the leader spoke, the people beside him said calmly.

Ningmengyao finally smiled: "I've heard since I came here that the Xiao family is very good. Its discipline is as good as that of the old ancestor. But now it seems that it's not so good. The ancestor's training left by the old ancestor of the Xiao family has been almost forgotten by your descendants, right? I don't know if that ancestor would have jumped out of the grave and killed you directly. "