"Bold, can you arrange it at will?"

"Are you angry because of what I said?" Ning Mengyao looks at each other with a smile and a light mouth.

"Is this the way to treat people in Xiaoyao villa?" The leader said coldly, as if he did not see the tension between them.

Qiao Tianchang squints at the leader. No matter how he looks, he doesn't like the expression of this man. He wants to crush people to death?

"Xiaoyao villa naturally has its own way to treat guests, but I don't think there's any problem with the way we treat guests, for people like you who come here uninvited and have no way to treat guests." Ning Mengyao holds Qiao Tianchang's hand tightly, otherwise he moves.

She believed that as long as she let go of Qiao Tianchang's hand, this person would definitely do it directly, and they were not Qiao Tianchang's opponents.

"Ning Mengyao, we didn't come here today to make trouble with you."

"Ha ha, I didn't come here to make a conflict with you, but did you come here to give me the upper hand?" Ning Mengyao smiled sarcastically, his eyes full of contempt.

"No, we just want you to come back to Xiao's house with us."

"If it's to let me go back to the Xiao family, I'm sorry. I don't want to be interested in the Xiao family. I think my Xiaoyao villa is very good. I don't want to move my nest for the moment." Ningmengyao stood on the edge and said leisurely.

"Little Yao'er, what can the Xiao family compare with our villa?" Although their villa may not be very big, but sparrows are small and dirty, which one doesn't like it here?

"Nature is not equal." Ningmengyao seriously conforms.

When the Xiao family saw Ning Mengyao belittle the Xiao family, their sense of superiority for a long time made them very angry.

"Ning Mengyao, you are also the Xiao family. How can you ignore your ancestors like this?"

What I said is that it's so grand, but there are so many expressions of impatience.

She has been prepared for the arrival of Xiao's family for a long time. The leader, in fact, is OK. But it's a pity that he is not afraid of God like opponents, but afraid of pig like teammates. Is that what they are now?

"Ignoring ancestors? If the Xiao family is as strict as it was hundreds of years ago, you don't need to say that I won't do it. It's a pity that the Xiao family has been tossed into this shape by you now. It's nice to say that it's the hidden world. It's just that you don't have the experience to manage the outside things. Am I right? " Ning Mengyao sarcastically looked at these people in front of him and said.

After listening to fengxiao's words, she began to investigate all the things about the Xiao family. The Xiao family has been defeated since more than 100 years ago, so they have to live in seclusion. They are not willing to do this, but have to. If they don't, the Xiao family will want to go to the end.

Ningmengyao's words changed Xiao's face greatly. The leader looked at ningmengyao and said, "where did you hear that?"

"It doesn't matter where the news comes from. It's important that it can be used."

The leader was silent for a long time, looking at Ning Mengyao, seriously and seriously: "if we can, let's find a place to talk?"

"Let them go. I don't welcome those people who are not polite to us. I don't know how Xiaoyao villa will become something of the Xiao family when I save it." Ning Mengyao said as if he had accidentally said this.

As soon as the Xiao family was about to get angry, they were stopped by the leader: "leave now."

"How can you do this, young Lord? She's from the Xiao family. Isn't her stuff from the Xiao family? How could it be that way? " The people on the edge are dissatisfied. In their hearts, all the things in Xiaoyao villa belong to the Xiao family. With these things, they can get rid of all the difficulties. How good is that?

I don't understand what the little Lord is thinking, but I agree with them.

"Is this a large family that has been passed on for hundreds of years? How can I look like a shameless robber? This thing you don't have can't rob others, right? If I don't know, I think the economy of the Xiao family is in a dilemma. "