Looking at their faces, Xiao Ji knew that they were not joking, so he nodded: "don't worry, I will start to clean up Xiao's house after I go back, and at the same time, I will send the things I need."

"Good. I've seen the boat. Let's go." Ningmengyao stretched out a big stretch, very casually said.

After landing, the three left quickly. They knew that their time was limited. Even without them, Ning Mengyao could get what he wanted without any effort. And Ning Mengyao was willing to give them this opportunity, no doubt to help them. Naturally, they could not drag their feet.

Ningmengyao stands on the cliff, leans against Qiao Tianchang's arms, takes the child to look at the magnificent sea, the mouth angle takes the demure smile.

Maybe there are still some things that haven't been dealt with perfectly here, but for them, what should be done has been done, even if they leave, there won't be too much regret.

"Mother, are we going to leave here and go back to where we were born?" Tangtang opens her round eyes and looks at them curiously.

"Yes, that place is not as rich as here, but it is the best for us." Ning Mengyao turned to look at sugar, with a doting smile on her face.


”Because where my mother met your uncle, aunt and their, and where I met your father, and then I met you, and then I met your elder brother. There are many places to be remembered, which are not here, so we hope to go back, rather than stay. " Ningmengyao is very patient to solve the problem of sugar and sugar.

Jomo mourns to slant head to think: "that place is very good, you will like after past." He has nothing to be nostalgic about this place. Shisong will follow them. Huangfu Qing has cooperation with them. He can go there at any time if he wants to. As for the rest, he thinks it doesn't matter because all he cares about is around.

"I really want to go back and have a look."

The party stayed outside for two days and then went back. However, when they went back, they met a haggard lingfu. He looked at Qiao moshang with sadness and hatred in his eyes, but the hatred was obviously not for Qiao moshang.


"I'm not your brother."

Lingfu was stunned and then smiled: "no matter whether you admit it or not, you are my brother in my heart. I don't know anything about what you said. I always thought there was any misunderstanding. But I found out after I went back that it wasn't any misunderstanding at all. I think the best parents are doing things that are harmful and unbelievable Brother, you don't want to admit me. Believe me, that's right. "

When he heard Jomo Shang say those things, he thought that someone did it on purpose, and then blamed it on his parents. But when he went back, he found out that he was so naive. They did those things, and their reason was very simple, because the coffin blocked his way, and they were able to pry into other people's hearts. They were worried about their own inner dirty When he found out, he killed people directly and pretended to be an accident. In fact, they tortured their brother.

Think of those that elder brother bears, his heart is good hate hate good hate, how can they under the hand? Brother is so good.

Qiao moshang listened quietly as if listening to other people's affairs and didn't express any opinions, but after lingfu finished, he said lightly: "I'm not the coffin now, I'm Qiao moshang, and I'm going to leave here with my parents, younger brothers and sisters, and go back to our home. You should think I'm really dead."

"How can it be?"

"Why not? Lingfu, you are not a child. You should know the reason why I do this. I don't deny that there are people in the Lingjia family who are nice to me. But what are their purposes? Don't you understand after experiencing so many things? " Jomo Shang said lightly.