Those people are very kind to him, yes, but they are also afraid of him. They are afraid that when he will pry the dirty ideas in their hearts, so they are good to him and guard against him. He didn't understand before, but now he understands that true family members have no reservation in their love, just like Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao do to him, Especially ningmengyao.

Because she loves herself, his words can make her sad for a long time. Now he has understood that many things need to be realized by heart, not by looking at the surface.

"I know, but the Lingjia needs you."

"I don't have the ability, they will need me again? Lingfu, are you kidding me? Even if I still have those abilities, then what? I'm from the Qiao family now, not the lingfu family. If you don't want to talk about it, how does the lingfu family have nothing to do with me? " Jomo Shang sighed and said it very clearly.

"Unexpectedly, we will kill these people, so you can follow us back, right?" At this time, a majestic voice came out from all directions, revealing a strong pressure in the voice, and the faces of the two children, sugar and Doudou, turned extremely pale for a moment.

Qiao Tianchang gave a cold snort, which was more powerful than this. He rushed back. Before long, everyone heard a snort, and then the smell of blood filled their noses.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the old man who is exposed. He smiles cruelly and starts to fight his children? Who gave him courage.

When lingfu saw people, the whole person was stupid. When he came out, there was no one to follow him.

"Big brother......"

"Lingfu doesn't have to say much. I won't go back if I can't go back." Jomo Shang interrupts lingfu's words and refuses to let him continue.

Qiao Tianchang saw that Tangtang and Doudou were OK. He jumped in front of the old man. Before the other side was ready, he hit the other side with a heavy blow on the shoulder, and then he just hit him unilaterally.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the man in his hand who was like mud and sneered: "do you want Ali to kill us with this skill? How confident you are. "

Qiao moshang went to the old man's side and squinted at him: "it seems that the spiritual family has come to the time when I have to go back, even my grandfather has come out, which is really ironic."

"Is that how you treat your elders?"

"Ha ha, don't say that grandiose words. The couple can fight me. Do you dare to say that there is no problem with you? If it wasn't for your help in the dark, would they have caught me? You look down on me too much. " Jomo said with a cold smile, he was very disdainful to the old man.

"The old man's face with consternation:" you should know

"Yes, I do. I know more than you do. Do you know why I came back, but I didn't go to revenge or go to the trouble of the Xiao family? That's because your actions have given me today's life. I should thank you. I give you a chance, but don't treat me like a soft persimmon. If you want to let Lingjia disappear from the west coast, I can help you, only when you don't regret it. " He used to have concerns, but now he won't. now, as long as he wants to do it, who won't help?


"Grandpa, do you really have your help in this matter? I always thought you were the best to my brother. Ha ha, it seems that I'm really stupid like what my brother said, and I'm hopelessly stupid. " Lingfu laughed at himself, his eyes full of hatred.

The old man didn't speak, but in lingfu's eyes, he acquiesced, and he also did something to Jomo Shang.

"I'm sorry. I don't know about all these things. I'm the one who caused you trouble." Lingfu said apologetically, then went to Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife and bowed down to salute: "thank you for your unreserved care, love my brother, thank you."