Yang Lele is very guilty, especially when she hears her mother say such things, she is very sour. She is not filial. What has she done.

"Lele, Niang is happy. You don't know. When you hear people praising you and ann'er, our waists are very straight. You are going to do good things, not to do anything harmful. If you miss us, we'll go to see you. Don't delay ann'er." Yang Shi looked at her daughter and said with great care.

Yang Lele clenched her lips and nodded heavily. She would be proud of her parents and would not let those people point their fingers at them.

"Mom, after we left, you and my father should take good care of themselves. Now the conditions at home are good. Don't think about your children. Eat what you should eat and drink what you should drink. Don't be reluctant to give up." Yang Lele said in a garrulous way.

"You child, we are not children. You don't have to worry about us."

Yang Lele didn't speak. It's difficult for them to meet after today, but she doesn't regret it. She wants to help Yao Yao.

The next day in Baishan village, Qiao Tianchang and lei'an left their sight.

People at all levels have already received the news. The general and his wife have come back. They will go to the border city. So the way to the border city is much shorter.

In half a month, Qiao Tianchang and his soldiers finally arrived at the place. They were also prepared by the city guards. After a day's rest, Qiao Tianchang took Ryan to the barracks to see the strength of the soldiers.

And Ning Mengyao is also busy, taking them to become the nomadic people outside.

The place they live is not far from the border town of Xiaoguo. They live in tents as they do in Modern Inner Mongolia.

Ningmengyao passed this time as the general's wife and the master of tongbaozhai.

The arrival of ningmengyao made the nomadic people very welcome, especially when they heard that ningmengyao was the highest decision-maker in tongbaozhai.

"How are you living here now?"

"If the emperor of your country does not give up, we will have a place to live." Burt, the patriarch, said with a smile that his words were all gratitude to Xiao.

If it wasn't for the state of Xiao, his people would have died long ago. Where can they live well?

"I'm here to cooperate with you, patriarch


"Yes, your tribe produces all kinds of fur, milk and goat milk. I plan to make milk and goat milk into sugar, or milk flakes, and then sell them. As for wool, we can make clothes and so on." Said Ning Mengyao to Burt.

Burt was not a fool. He simply understood Ning Mengyao's meaning: "Madam means to buy our milk, goat's milk and fur?"

"Yes, of course, I can teach you how to make milk candy, but I want to share the profits." Ningmengyao is a businessman. Although he wants to help them, he has no free help. After all, there is no free lunch in the world.

Burt laughed and said excitedly: "madam, you can come as you like. To tell you the truth, there are not many people in our family. In fact, there are many people in our family. Besides these things, others It's really not comparable to the things in the Central Plains. We have been relying on the cultivation technology of Xiao Guojiao for two years. With your permission, we have opened up some fields and planted the food in the Central Plains, which has provided us with food and clothing. Madam's move has given our family a great opportunity. "

"You're welcome, patriarch. This is a matter of mutual benefit for us. Moreover, I have to go to the three treasure hall to ask for something."

"Madame, listen."

"I heard that noblemen, boys and girls, are proficient in riding and shooting, and have the ability to protect themselves. Our current situation must be known by the patriarch, so I would like to ask the patriarch to find some people to teach our riding and shooting." Ningmengyao's words are very euphemistic.

"What is the suffering of this? No problem. "