For them, riding and shooting are just like common food. They dare not say anything else, but there is certainly no problem for them.

All of their people are heroes on horseback. They have no ambition. They just want to live a good life and develop steadily.

If they can form a better relationship with Xiao, they will be more happy, so that they don't have to worry about the people in the desert killing their people all the time.

It was a win-win decision, and Burt thought it was very good.

After waiting for the result that she wanted, Ning Mengyao was very satisfied. She discussed with Burt about specific matters. With Burt's help, she took some nomadic men back. These people were the best in riding and shooting.

When Ning Mengyao went back, Qiao Tianchang and other people didn't come to their home. Ning Mengyao didn't care much about this. He just asked people to arrange accommodation for them, so he began to write and draw with a pen and paper.

Muchen looked at ningmengyao, who was busy, and said, "Xiaoyao, do you think you can make milk candy? You should know that many people are not used to eating the milk which has a strong smell. "

"I can say that there is a way. She knows a simple sugar making machine, and can remove some fishy smell. In this way, it's only a matter of time before the sugar is made. He doesn't worry about it.

"The fur they made..."

"Fur, wool and the like can be used for defense, and then made into something else." Ning Mengyao thought of modern scarves, sweaters, gloves and so on. As long as she could get the thread out, she was not afraid that these things could not be made.

Muchen looks at ningmengyao. Although it's not the first time that she looks so confident, every time she drives, she feels very surprised. How does a small person do it?

No matter what Muchen is thinking, in his opinion, Ning Mengyao is the little but very strong person they knew at the beginning.

After Ning Mengyao had dealt with all the things, and arranged them again, he saw Qiao Tianchang come back, but his expression was dignified and ugly.

"What's the matter?" Seeing him like this, Ning Mengyao thought something had happened.

"In the past two years, people on the other side of the desert killed many soldiers guarding the city and left many orphans and widows. Although they had relief, their life was not satisfactory." Qiao Tianchang's heart was very sad. He had brought all the soldiers with him. Now when he saw their wives and children living such a life, he felt very sad.

Ning Mengyao reached out and patted Qiao Tianchang on the shoulder: "don't worry, I'll open a workshop soon, and then let them all come to the workshop, the life will be better, and those children will also be sent to the academy to study and read."

"Good." Qiao Tianchang believes Ning Mengyao very much. What was Baishan village like then? What's it like now?

"By the way, I've made it clear to Burt that he sent several people here, all good archers in the tribe." Ningmengyao suddenly thought of this matter, and hurriedly said.

"Well, I'll put them in the army tomorrow." Qiao Tianchang nodded. They are really weak in riding and shooting.

Ningmengyao was silent for a long time, and then said, "Tianchang, I have an idea that is to open a medicine hall, which is specially used to learn pharmacological knowledge. No matter adults or children, or men and women can come to learn. After all, the border city is different from other places. It's not enough to rely on doctors for wars, if everyone knows some pharmacological knowledge , then I'm sure I can help you. What do you think? "

When Qiao Tianchang thought about it carefully, he knew the benefits. After all, doctors could not care for so many people. If the people would bandage the wounds and so on, the soldiers with minor injuries could be dealt with as soon as possible.

It's good for them anyway.

"Well, are you in charge of it?"