If you can Qiao Tianchang doesn't want Ning Mengyao to take charge of it, but it's big or small. It's really uneasy for him to give it to others.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with the workshop. I'll let Qingshuang Nanyu take maple and tea to do it. It's the best time for tea and tea to blend in. Tea and tea are also very talented in art. What's really going to happen then? If she has accumulated certain prestige in this matter, she can help a lot of people.

Qiao Tianchang understood ningmengyao's meaning after a little thought. He was quite satisfied with tea and tea, the future daughter-in-law, so he nodded: "OK, this matter is up to you. I'm at ease."

No good spirit of the white Qiao Tianchang a look, Ning Mengyao think about this thing to prepare things, but now or first to deal with the workshop.

"First, I'll ask someone to prepare a batch of machines for me, so that I can process milk and goat milk. These things are very nutritious, especially for children and the elderly." And if she remembers correctly, there is no sale of this thing on the west coast, which is just a huge profit and fur.

"Good." Only if we solve the basic problem of survival can we say anything else.

"Tianchang, do you think it's good to say that people who work in workshops practice martial arts for half an hour every morning, men and women, and study pharmacology for half an hour after work at night?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and asks.

"You can decide these things. I'm the one in the barracks." Qiao Tianchang said with a smile.

For this person who wants to be a shopkeeper, Ning Mengyao despises: "come on, I'll go to find Qingshuang and go where you come from."

"No." Joe Tianchang quickly grabbed people.

Muchen's eyelids jumped straight, looking at the look of the two people as if they were nobody else, and then he was speechless: "I said, can you two pay attention to someone else on the edge?"

"Oh, so you are here." Qiao Tianchang didn't look embarrassed at all, which made her feel very sad.

"In the morning workshop, if you can't find something ready-made, you can find a place to rebuild." This has become nothing, but there are a lot of wasteland without owners.

"Don't worry, let's rebuild. Go to the countryside, where there are many people with mixed eyes." Muchen never thought about looking for a house in this city. His first intention was to rebuild the house.

"Well, if you want to do it, just say what you need. By the way, leave me a school beside the workshop and a large space."

"Don't worry about my business. I'm busy first. You can continue." Said Shi Shi ran and left.

After Muchen left, Ning Mengyao and his wife naturally went to find Qiao mofeng and they also called Nanyu.

"I'm calling you here to do something."

"What's the matter, mother?" They have been familiar with the environment since arriving at the border city, but the atmosphere here is very good. They like it very much.

"I plan to build a workshop here, and then the workshop will let you teach pharmacology after work every day. Half an hour a day is for trauma, and some minor diseases and pains." Ningmengyao did not beat around the Bush, but said directly.

Qiao Mo Feng is surprised to see Ning Mengyao: "Niang you mean to want?"

"That's what you think. It's just for the future." Ning Mengyao didn't hide them.

"OK, but when will it start?"

"Don't worry, the four of you will discuss it first, and I'll leave it to you to deal with it."

Tea and tea look at this and that in a daze. For a while, I don't know what to do.

But Joe mofeng just counted him in. How could that be?

"Here I can't do that. I can't do it. " Tea tea quickly waved.

Ningmengyao helplessly wants to look at the tea, unexpectedly this wench also really refused.

Qiaomofeng looked at the tea and didn't speak, just with the color of inquiry in his eyes.

"Tell me why you say you can't make tea."

"I can help you, but I can't teach you." She is still learning from her grandparents. How can she teach others?