In the scuffle, Qiao moshang heard Qiao Tianchang's words and almost fell to the ground: "Dad, don't want it."

Now even if their training is heavy, I don't know why. In addition to not being so strict with sugar and sugar, Qiao Tianchang is a hard-working training for other people, even for mushihong. Now we need family training. How about him?

Qiao Tianchang looked at his son coolly: "Shanger will train for half an hour tomorrow morning." Then they turned away without looking at them.

Qiao moshang doesn't fight anymore. He stands there with a depressed face. He's really learning a lot now. How about practicing boxing, standing on plum blossom stakes, cultivating internal power, and learning to ride and shoot? Besides these poems, songs and Fu, he can't help breaking his own affairs apart. One hour is used for two hours, but now he still needs family training. Will he die?

"How do you look like you're breaking down?" Huangfu Qing asked curiously.

"Recently, my father gave them training. The time is very full. But if Shanger is trained for half an hour tomorrow, he may not even have time to eat tomorrow." Joe mofeng explained on the side.

"So strict?" Huangfu Qing was stunned. He didn't expect that.

"Well, the situation is not very stable now. Dad did that for them. Now everyone else is training in addition to sugar. Even with privileges, sugar training time is half of them." Joe mofeng nodded. Now there are people in the desert who are covetous here. As the young master and miss of the general's family, if they are caught by someone with a heart, no one can imagine the consequences. So even if they are very tired every day, they all bite their teeth and survive.

In addition to some training, Tangtang is also practicing lightness skills. Not only that, her mother didn't want her to touch things like insects and insects, but now she will learn from Uncle Nanyu for an hour every day.

"Can I help you?" Huangfu Qing asked, looking at Jomo Shang.

"No, I'll be punished with you tomorrow." Jomo Shang said angrily.

"Good." Huangfu Qing now promised to be very straightforward. After the next day knowing all their training programs, the whole person was stupid.

But look at those little guys are insisting, can he be lazy? Of course not. Otherwise, I will not be laughed to death by Jomo Shang. I will not steam the steamed buns, but I will fight for breath.

One day Huangfu almost took off a layer of skin and lay on the ground, looking at Qiao moshang, who was also lying beside him: "do you train like this every day?"

"Yes, the degree of control is just right, within our limit." It's different that they don't have personal training. It depends on their ability to bear, and he is the one who is the most miserable.

Huangfu Qing couldn't help laughing at Qiao moshang: "to be honest, if someone told me before, you have such a casual scene, I'm sure I can draw that person into a disability."

This man used to have a serious habit of cleanliness because he couldn't touch others easily, but now? With others crawling on the ground, God knew that he would go to the barracks to test his kung fu with those soldiers. He felt that one day, his understanding of Jomo Shang had been completely subverted.

"I don't believe it either, but I'm so good now, really good." He doesn't have to bear anything now. He lives the life he likes every day. Although he is full of arrangements every day, he knows that this is Joe Tianchang's good to him. Because he is worried about himself and afraid of what he has, he wants to make him have enough self-protection ability as much as possible.


"Qing, I don't have to bear a lot of things now. I don't have to worry about meeting other people all day. Then I hear something I shouldn't hear. Now I practice martial arts every day, take my brother and sister with me, read books in my spare time, and play in the army with my father. It's really good. It's very good." Jomo Shangs eyes are full of peace and happiness, as well as the expectation of life.

"Is it?"

"Yes, I find that I can live a good life even if I don't have the ability to go against the sky."