He had already thought about it. When he was older, he went out alone to practice, just like his elder brother, and then came back to help his father and Xiao Mu. Although he said he didn't like that guy very much, he was their brother anyway. How could he be bullied?

He must be the emperor of Xiao kingdom in the future. They have to help him guard this place.

Huangfu Qing looks at Qiao moshang with a kind of onlooker. After he finishes, he asks, "what are your plans for the future?"

"I'll go out to practice when I'm older, and I'll come back when Xiao Mu wins the throne." He will come back to work as a military division for Xiao Mu, otherwise, the stupid guy doesn't know what he's calculated to look like.

"You've really changed a lot. If you're the old one, who cares so much?" Huangfu Qing said jokingly.

Jomo was shocked and then smiled: "I have changed a lot, but I found that as long as I feel it with my heart, I can feel others' kindness to me. Since they are sincere to me, I will naturally return it."

Xiao Mu really regards him as his elder brother. In his eyes, he respects and admires him. He knows that Xiao Mu likes his elder brother very much. Although he only knows his own affairs from the words of three uncles, he will not affect his position in his heart.

"Haha, it's good to be sad. You're too tired now. The people of lingfu family are looking for lingfu everywhere. I met lingfu once. He asked me how you are. He left after knowing that you're very well. He's just like a changed person. If it's not his face, he really can't recognize it at all." Huangfu Qing turns his head and looks at Jomo Shang.

Jomo was shocked, then smiled: "everyone has to pay a price when they grow up. You are like this, brother is like this, I am like this. Naturally, he is also like this. To grow up, he must be able to bear the pain in the process of growing up."

"You're right." Huangfu Qing didn't say anything more, because they came all the way.

"If one day he wants to come here and bring him, but tell him to solve his troubles and don't give me trouble."

"Ha ha, you are really a knife mouth and tofu heart."

"No, it's just that the eyes of lingfu are the same as those of Xiaomu." Lingfu, like Xiao Mu, respects him from the heart, admires him and treats him as his brother.

Huangfu Qing looks at this Qiao Mo Shang. It's really an accident. He didn't expect that Qiao Mo Shang would say such a thing.

"Well, stop it, get up and go back."


No matter how good the life here is, Huangfu Qing left with Zhao Mingyu after a period of time, but this trip made them completely like this place.

In this month, some families have begun to breed long haired rabbits. The rabbits have grown very large. In some deserted wasteland, various fruit trees have been planted.

With the development of the border city, Xiao Qitian is very satisfied, even happy, and finally refuses to let people pack Xiao Mu.

Qiao Tianchang naturally knew Xiao Qitian's meaning, so Xiao Mu's tragedy began the next day when he arrived here.

In the face of Xiao Mu's teeth sticking even if he can't hold on, Qiao moshang said to him, "work hard, and in the future, these brothers will be by his side to help him guard his responsibility together."

This sentence seems to give Xiao Mu a great impetus to stick to the first difficult time.

"Thank you, brother Shang." Half a month later, Xiao Mu completely adapted to the life of this place. He stopped Qiao moshang who was going back to thank him.

"Since you call me brother, can I help you? When you take over Xiaoguo, I will become a military division for you. "


The two agreed to simply set up in the empty space, and in the next few decades, Qiao moshang, as his oath said, worked as a military division for him until the end, of course, this is a postscript.