Time runs fast. In a flash, Xiao Mu has been in the border town for half a year. In this half a year, he has completely changed his appearance. He has grown a lot, not to mention, but also a lot.

In the past half a year, the changes have been very big. Every family is smiling now. Many adults go to work in workshops. They raise rabbits, cattle and sheep at home. The days are better. Of course, they don't forget to practice martial arts with the big men from the army in the morning every day. At night, they are also learning pharmacology. Everything is in order Rules, and the situation in the desert, Ning Mengyao they have been paying attention to, but there has been no news.

It's worth mentioning that now the development of their tribe in Burt is gradually growing. Many of their girls are married to the soldiers guarding the city, and many of the girls they become are also married to their tribe. Since then, Xiao Kingdom and Burt's tribe have reached a stable marriage relationship, and they are also powerful partners.

"Xiaomu back? Tired or not

"I'm not tired, aunt." Xiao Mu wiped the sweat on his face and said earnestly.

He is not tired, but a little disappointed. Today is his birthday. In the past, the father and the emperor would give him a birthday and make him some simple food. Although it is not as good as the one made by aunt or the chef, he thinks it is the best food in the world.

Ningmengyao naturally saw the disappointment in his eyes. He smiled mysteriously and didn't talk. He took people in. Xiao Mu's steps were stiff. He couldn't believe that he looked at the person who was sitting in the chair and talking to the second uncle. Was that not the father and the emperor far away in the capital? What happened to him?

"Your father has just arrived. Let's go." Clapping has been completely stunned Xiaomu, Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"Father, you are here." Xiao Mu pounced on Xiao Qitian and the expression on his face was very excited.

Xiao Qitian is also very happy. He hasn't seen his son for half a year. He is tall and strong. It can be seen that Qiao Tianchang took good care of his children during this period.

"You have grown a lot."

"That's right. The dishes made by aunt are delicious." Xiao Mu said with a smile, the child who usually pretends to be an adult seems to be a child again at this moment.

"Of course, I know what your aunt made is delicious. It seems that you don't want the noodles I made for you." Xiao Qitian said regretfully.

"Who said that?"

"Didn't you say that? Tell my father how I've been here? " Xiao Qitian wants to know how his son came here this half year.

When he heard that Xiao Mu said that after every day's training, he was heartbroken.

"Tianchangmu'er is still a child. Why are you so cruel?" Xiao Qitian flies an eye knife at Qiao Tianchang.

"Father, I tell you, except for sugar and Reese, everyone is treated like this, and sugar and Reese learn a lot." Before Qiao Tianchang wants to speak, Xiao Mu comes to Xiao Qitian's ear and whispers.

Xiao Qitian looks at Qiao Tianchang like a monster. Isn't this person really playing?

"Tianchang, did you even go? It really surprised me. " Xiao Qitian looks at Qiao Tianchang incredulously.

"You know what happened." Qiao Tianchang didn't have any redundant explanation, just said such a sentence.

Xiao Qitian is silent. He really knows, so he doesn't say anything anymore.

Knowing his son's happy life here, Xiao Qi has some complaints in his heart, but he is also very happy. As a prince, it's good for him to endure hardship and trouble. He also has some heartache at the same time. His son is just seven years old.

The purpose of Xiao Qitian's coming is to celebrate Xiao Mu's birthday. After that, he left the border city quickly.

His arrival seems to give Xiao Mu a lot of motivation, and every day of training is very serious and desperate.

"Yao Yao, I need a secluded yard." This day after Qiao Tianchang came back, he said to Ning Mengyao with serious expression.


"Many orphans are fatherless and motherless. I intend to gather them together and build a secret army. I asked the children for their opinions, and they all agreed."