All of them, including those soldiers and widows, knelt on the ground, hoping that Joe Tianchang would not punish himself in such a way.

Qiao Tianchang looked at them and pressed his lips tightly: "it's my fault that things will happen to this extent."

"No general, it's the fault of the general. It's the fault of the general. It's the fault of the general to let those people into the city and cause such a great loss." A general knelt on the ground. That was the general guarding the border town of the state of Xiao.

He didn't mean to disagree with the punishment this time, which was indeed their negligence.

"General, it's the fault of the general. Even if we want to punish, we should be punished, not the general." They did the wrong thing, but let the general pay for it.

Qiao Tianchang looked at them and said, "your fault is my fault."

"General, listen to me." A grey haired old man, about seventy-eight or ten years old, came over.

"Please tell me, old man."

"Generals and generals let those people into the border city, but how great changes have been brought to it by the arrival of generals? Now we are no longer worried about food and clothing, everyone has the ability to protect themselves, children are also in school, practicing martial arts, all these things are brought to us by the general, if there is no general, there will be no day for us now, the general does not have to punish himself like this, it is the other generals, they are also dedicated to the safety of our people in the border city, never There is no negligence. As the saying goes, if a man stumbles and a horse has disordered hooves, how can a man ensure that he does not make mistakes? " The old man looked at Qiao Tianchang and said earnestly.

The old man looked at Qiao Tianchang and said nothing: "general, you still need to protect us. If someone makes a mess in the wind at this time, what can we do? So general, enough, don't fight any more. "

They all know this general. Ten years ago, he was here to protect their safety. Now it's the same. How can they not know the gratitude.

"Yes, general, this man is right."

At last, under the persuasion of the common people, the last thirty army sticks were so dead, and the two soldiers beside them were greatly relieved.

Ningmengyao stepped forward and reached out to help Qiao Tianchang up. She looked at him tenderly. She was proud of her husband.

"It worries you."

"I know everything."

Qiao Mo is sad to see Qiao Tianchang's pain on his back. His face is a little white: "Dad..."

"Shangerda is OK. He will be OK soon." They have Qingshuang, can his injury be cured slowly?

Tangtang and Doudou are only children after all. If they can't do it, they will not cry. Seeing Qiao Tianchang's injury, Tangtang will cry first: "Daddy hurts."

"Sugar is sweet, dad doesn't hurt." Qiao Tianchang endured the pain of sadness, reached out to pick up the sugar, and said with a spoiled face.

"Tangtang should learn from Aunt Qingshuang, learn martial arts and protect her father in the future." Said sugar, sobbing.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and rubbed his daughter's head: "OK, sugar will protect dad later."

Although Doudou didn't say anything, he kept holding Qiao Tianchang's trouser legs and said nothing.

Looking at the situation of their family, many people feel that Qiao Tianchang is not easy. He is their general, right? He is also the father of three children, or someone else's husband. They can do this regardless of their family's worries. What else can they say? What is the right to be angry, to be angry?

Because of this incident, the people of the border city are united unprecedentedly, families get along well, without any delay and problems, and try to help Qiao Tianchang protect the city, which they did not expect.

"Dad, you're too hard on yourself." Qiao mofeng heard the news and came back from the workshop and saw that grandpa was following Qiao Tianchang's wound medicine. Looking at the wound on his back, he could not help frowning.

"I'm fine."