"Uncle, are you really OK? I have good medicine for you. " Tea and tea took out the healing medicine that their tribe only had from their own purse.

The black old man smelt the smell, then took a close look, and said unexpectedly, "I didn't expect that there are many good things about you little girl."

Tea and tea felt their noses embarrassed and said with a smile, "one of these herbs is only available in our tribe, and now there is only a little left. Next time, let my father bring me some herbs."

"Leave me a portion then." Think of this, said the old black man.


The black old man looked at Joe Tianchang's rotten back and said helplessly, "it's only half a month since the injury is minor. It can't touch the water." The injury is too serious. I feel pain when I think about it. I need to know that the injury is real, but I haven't let any water down.

"Grandpa black, I see."

"How can you do that to yourself? You make Yao'er and some children feel so bad." Black old man helplessly shook his head and said.

Qiao Tianchang nodded in silence, knowing that he had worried his wife and children this time.

"Grandpa black is OK. I know that Cinderella is right." Ningmengyao knew that Qiao Tianchang was a little self reproached. He was sorry for the common people in the border city, but he was sorry for their mother and son.

The black old man glared at Ning Mengyao. He really had no way to take this girl.

"You are I can't do anything about you. " Black old man also wants to scold them severely, but looking at them like this, it seems that he can't scold them any more.

After the old black man wrapped up the gauze, Qiao Tianchang put on his clothes: "Grandpa black, we know that you are for our good. Now you can go to the workshop to transfer if you have nothing to do. Don't be so tired."

Qiao Tianchang has always been respectful of the old man. He has more than 70 people, and still runs with them everywhere.

"That's enough for you, old man. I'm in good health. Don't think of me as a person who doesn't have frequent limbs, or I'll let you feel what it's like if you don't have frequent limbs first." Said the black old man discontentedly.

Now he is teaching the young couple of Qiao and Mo Feng to give lectures in the school of the workshop occasionally. He will also help them or play chess with old man mo. this kind of life will be full. Who likes the life of not doing anything and not having frequent limbs.

"Yes, I was wrong. Grandpa black is still young." Joe Tianchang said with a laugh.

The black old man snorted, which was satisfied.

Ning Mengyao's face is helpless with a smile. Grandpa Hei doesn't agree with him at all. Isn't Tianchang making him angry?

"Grandpa Zu, I want to learn medicine. Can you teach me?" Sugar fell into the arms of the black old man, blinked, looking forward to the black old man.

Black old man looked at the little girl in his arms. He watched the girl grow up, but he knew how old she was. He reached out and knocked the little girl on the head: "want to learn medicine from Grandpa Zu? Grandpa is very strict

"Sugar is not afraid." Tangtang shakes her head firmly. She just wants to learn.

Black old man looked at sugar for a long time, then turned to look at Qiao Tianchang and his wife: "do you agree with this girl to learn?"

"As long as she's happy, we don't insist." Qiao Tianchang said in silence for a moment.

The black old man nodded to show that he knew, and then looked at the little girl in front of him: "well, sugar and sugar follow me to know herbs every night, in addition to practicing martial arts and writing."

"Yeah, thank you Grandpa."

"Don't thank you so early, Grandpa Zu is very strict. If you don't finish what grandpa Cheng arranged, I will punish you and beat your little hand." The black old man pretended to be stern.

"I'm not afraid." At first sight, I know grandpa is scaring her. She is not afraid.

The old black man shook his head helplessly. The little girl was really spoiled by everyone, and he didn't know how scared she was.

Ning Mengyao looked at her daughter and asked seriously, "do you really decide to learn medicine? It's very hard to learn medicine. I have to carry a lot of things. "

"I'm not afraid. I want to learn."