Ning Mengyao looked at her daughter's very firm appearance and understood that this was probably her most real idea.

Squatting down to look at her daughter, Ning Mengyao said very seriously: "sugar sugar you want to think clearly, once it is decided, it can not be changed." She needs to let her daughter know that she is responsible after making a decision.

"I have made up my mind. I will study hard with my grandfather." Sugar face is serious, she don't want to see Dad hurt.

As long as she studies medicine well, she can help her mother take care of her father.

"In that case, my mother will prepare you with what you need." For the persistence of sugar and sugar, what Ning Mengyao can do is only support.

Tangtang takes the lead with a smile and holds Ning Mengyao's hand for a while.

Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and rubbed his daughter's small head, knowing what she insisted on, but he could not really say the retort.

When Qiao Tianchang came back from the border city, he had written a fold and handed it to Xiao Qitian. Even their actions were said one by one.

Xiao Guo can't leave these moths, or something will happen sooner or later.

When Xiao Qitian received Qiao Tianchang's Memorial, his face immediately changed. When he saw Qiao Tianchang's self punishment situation, he thought that he had received two memorials before. The expression on his face became gloomy, and the corner of his mouth raised a bloodthirsty smile: "I see. They are really well-informed."

Xiao Qitian wrote a letter to Qiao Tianchang, and then paid attention to the two memorials of impeachment.

In the morning of the next day, Xiao Qitian looked at the following people with two memorials in his hand: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Li, tell me how do you know about the border city? HIA knows that much. "

"Here I was informed that general Qiao Tianchang was neglecting his duty in the border city, which resulted in the killing of the soldiers in the border city. I hope the emperor can see clearly. " The two named knelt on the ground and said.

However, Xiao Qitian smiled: "what's the secret? I only received the memorial from the general yesterday. It was sent to me in an urgent manner eight hundred Li after the incident happened. Who told you that you have received the secret? The news is more clever than I am. "

As soon as the faces of Mr. Zhang and Mr. Li changed, they regretted that they should not start so fast.

Xiao Qitian took out another pamphlet and smiled coldly: "what's the matter? Are the things in the desert very easy to take? "

"Your Majesty is wronged."

"Wrong? Then tell me what these are. " Xiao Qitian threw the pamphlet in his hand to the two men. At the same time, there were several letters. They were all letters when they contacted people in the desert.

When Zhang and Li looked at each other, they immediately fell to the ground. The expression on their faces was very ugly. He couldn't believe looking at Xiao Qitian. How did he know? Where did you find these things?

"You are so worried that you show your horse's feet. Do you know how the general handled this? In order to prevent people from making trouble, he led and punished one hundred army sticks in public, and the rest of the laughing generals each had fifty army sticks. " Xiao Qitian said coldly.

Qiao Tianchang and they all did so. Even if the people in the border city were angry at first, when could they be angry? What's more, because Qiao Tianchang's arrival has changed their lives dramatically. The common people get better, and they do this again, which makes the common people more protect Qiao Tianchang.

Some of the ministers at the bottom couldn't believe it. Qiao Tianchang did it.

Mr. Zhang and Mr. Li are totally stupid. They didn't expect that.

"The two of them conspired to betray the country and made a decision within the three clans. The three clans were surprised and sent to the bitter and cold places. Some of the income of the scribes was sent to the border city to be the food and salaries of the soldiers." Xiao Qi said in a cold voice.

"Long live my king."

As for the traitors, they are usually all of the nine ethnic groups and so on. Now they are only three ethnic groups. Everyone feels that they are a little lighter. However, some people are trembling, as if they are worried about something.