Qiao Tianchang looked at several children and raised eyebrows and asked, "you have made great contributions and rewards this time. What do you want?"

Several children have said what they want, but Jomo Shang and Shisong have no reaction.

"And you two?"

"Dad, I don't need it."

"So do I, uncle. I've got a lot of things." After he came here, he didn't know how much help his uncle gave him. He was willing to give him advice and found such a good teacher. He was very grateful and satisfied.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the two people and said, "OK, come here and tell me after you think about it."


Qiao Tianchang took the children back. Ning Mengyao asked curiously, "how is Tianchang?"

"It's very easy to use. I've asked them to do some more. Shisong is mainly responsible for this." Qiao Tianchang explains to Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang in surprise, but he doesn't expect that these children's random things can also be used, which is really surprising.

"Who did you think of that?"

"Probably Shanger." Qiao Tianchang spoke directly.

He still knows his son's preferences. He is very interested in these congratulations. He often sees him learn from people who are proficient in this field.


"Shanger may be very talented in machinery." Qiao Tianchang didn't tell Ning Mengyao directly, just said with a smile.

Ning Mengyao helplessly looks at Qiao Tianchang: "if Shanger is really interested in this, then I will find two people from tongbaozhai to teach him." Ning Mengyao thought and said.

"You'll see to it." For children's education, most of the time, Joe Tianchang is a shopkeeper.

Ning Mengyao white Qiao Tianchang a look, and then when the father of it? Don't go too far.

Qiao Tianchang is laughed by ningmengyao's eyes. He puts his hand around ningmengyao and kisses her face heavily. Then he laughs and says, "I don't believe you?"

"That's nice to hear. I think you're the shake off shopkeeper." Ning Mengyao said that she was very disgusted, and at the same time she gave Qiao Tianchang a very dissatisfied look.

Qiao Tianchang laughs: "good to hear you, what you say is what."

Ningmengyao is made speechless by Qiao Tianchang. She can only feel as if she is making trouble for nothing?

Disrespectful looked at Qiao Tianchang, reached out to push people away: "don't be next to me, it's not hot."

"I'm not hot." Every day in the barracks are wearing heavy armor, he has been used to it for a long time, for this point he really did not pay attention to the temperature.

"I'm hot."

"Dad, are you despised by your mother?" Then came into the Qiao Mo Shang see this scene, can not help but cover the mouth to snigger, he thought his parents really is too interesting.

Joe Tianchang gave his son a white look. Don't gloat so obviously, OK?

"Boy, it seems that you are itchy." Said Joe Tianchang, gnashing his teeth.

"There must be no such thing. I'm here to find my mother for something, but I don't have time to argue with you." After that, Qiao Tianchang was not given a chance to talk.

Joe Tianchang looks at his son funny and shakes his head helplessly. He really needs to be beaten.

People on the other side of the desert don't know about the great movements of the state of Xiao. They know, but they can't help it.

"Lord, if we go on like this, our people in the state of Xiao will be completely purged. How can this be good?" In the desert royal family, the following ministers all looked at their Lord with great concern.

"How is Wu Ziyun?"

"He escaped, Lord." The people below said tremblingly.

"What? How could someone escape? " Wu Chong looked at the people below coldly and asked angrily.

The following man said with a wry smile: "there are his subordinates in the cell, but we have never known that they took away the people in disorder last night."

"Damn it. Fortunately, he's poisoned so that he can't do anything even if he's really OK." Wu said coldly.

Wu Ziyun is the seventh Prince of the desert. He is only 13 years old now. However, he is indifferent and skillful. He is the real leader of the desert. But last year, he took the leader's seat.