He also imprisoned people. He thought that people would die. Who knew that he wanted to be saved? Fortunately, in case he gave him medicine, even if he left the desert, he could not survive.

Wu Chong can't like his brother at all. Because of his existence, he has been ignored by the old man for so many years. But how can he like his son again? It's not the same as being half dead and half dead. Not only that, but also his throne was robbed by him.

The desert is full of yellow sand. There will be sandstorms from time to time. Wu Ziyun will not go far with such injuries.

"Go after them, and see people for life, and see corpses for death."


Wu Ziyun, who was taken away by the bodyguard, is now in the middle of the desert. His lips are dry and his bodyguard can hardly support him.

"What shall we do now, your highness? If it goes on like this, it will surely be found by the great prince. " They didn't recognize Wu chongthat Lord at all. The Lord of the desert should be their highness.

Wu Ziyun opened his eyes to everything in front of him: "where is the nearest place here?"


Wu Ziyun was stunned, then looked at his bodyguard. After a long silence, he said, "let's go to the state of Xiao." His body can't last for long. He must get out of the desert as soon as possible. Only in this way can he survive. As long as he goes back, he can revenge for his father, and he is good at cutting Wu Chong.

"But your highness, should they hate us?"

"We didn't do those things, but Wu Chong wrote them. We know Wu Chong. There is a saying in the central plains that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. They need to deal with the desert, but we need to deal with Wu Chong." Wu Ziyun said in a cold voice.

As for the Central Plains, he heard from his father that it was a very rich place. He wanted to see if he could cooperate with the people in the Central Plains when he was an adult. But now Wu Chong has upset all of them, but he has also given him a chance.

"Compared with people in the desert, people in the central plains are much better." Wu Ziyun said with a smile.

"Yes, Wu Xuan knows."

After having a purpose, Wu Xuan took Wu Ziyun to the state of Xiao, but on the way, there was an accident, that is, Wu Ziyun was poisoned, and it took Wu Xuan a lot of time to save the people, but if it goes on like this, Wu Ziyun will not last long.

In order to speed up the pace of leaving the desert, Wu Xuan began to use his internal power to take Wu Ziyun with him. Fortunately, he was prepared to eat a lot of water, or he could not hold on to it for such a long time.

Although Wu Xuan has tried to protect Wu Ziyun as much as possible, Wu Ziyun has been seriously hurt. The poison on his body is getting deeper and deeper. If he doesn't detoxify as soon as possible, I'm afraid that his life will be gone before he reaches the state of Xiao.

Since Tangtang wanted to learn medicine from old man Hei, he often followed him outside to look for herbs. This day, too.

They went to a place far away from the place where they became some medicine. Of course, they were followed by others.

Sugar took a kind of antidote herbal medicine and handed it to the black old man: "grandfather is this?"

The black old man took a look and nodded: "yes, that's it."

He is very proud now. He got such a treasure. Sugar has a unique talent for herbal medicine. As long as he saw it once, he can remember it accurately. Getting such a treasure apprentice, black old man laughs all day long and is very strict with her naturally.

"Who are you?" When the master and the apprentice talked about the herbal medicine, they were interrupted by the soldiers on the side.

Wu Xuan's eyes mistily looked at the old and the young: "help Save... "

He fainted before saying anything. Tangtang saw him like this and hurriedly walked over: "Grandpa Zu is two people. He seems to have been seriously injured. This little brother seems to be poisoned and will die if he doesn't detoxify."