Yufeng looks at Zhao Mingyu funny: "do you know again?"

"Of course."

It's really not easy to raise a child. What's easy is their daily life, but what's really not easy is to teach the child.

Tangtang didn't give up because Qiao Tianchang didn't agree with them. Instead, she told Qiao Tianchang every day, thinking that maybe when her parents saw her persistence, they would agree to let her go with brother Qing.

Until she said it many times in front of the two people, Joe Tianchang and they were willing to face up to the problem.

"Do you really want sugar? Do you have to go? "

"Mom, I must go. I want to be a doctor more powerful than my grandfather." Although people are small, the goal of Tangtang is very clear.

Ningmengyao looks at her daughter helplessly, sighs and nods: "yes, your mother can unify your past, but you have to come back within four months. Your aunt Qingxue and uncle Qinghuai will take care of you, and you should follow them to continue practicing martial arts and calligraphy. You can't just focus on the research of medical skills."

"OK, it's a deal."

"sugar will come back every four months and dad will test your martial arts, not only martial arts, but other martial arts." Ning Mengyao finished, Qiao Tianchang also opened up.

Sugar quickly clapped his chest to make sure: "don't worry, Dad, I will not let him down and disgrace him."

After agreeing to the sugar request, Ning Mengyao asked Qingxue and Qinghuai to start preparing. This time, Grandpa black will follow him. He wants to teach his life skills to the little apprentice while he still has several years to live.

It was five days after they had packed up. Because this time, Huangfu Qing didn't stay in Xiaoguo. After taking what they needed, they left.

Qiao Tianchang put his hand around Ning Mengyao's shoulder: "sugar and sugar will come back."

"Of course I knew she would come back." She just can't bear it. The child hasn't been away from her for such a long time since she was so old. Thinking of this ningmengyao, she doesn't want to see his highness in the desert.

After Tangtang left with Huangfu Qing, Ning Mengyao was relieved.

At the same time, Wu Ziyun is ready to leave the capital. Even if he wants to leave, he still hasn't given up sugar.

Tangtang has a special identity. He also likes it. If only he could be their princess in the desert.

However, Wu Ziyun was worried about Qiao moshang's attitude. According to his attitude, he would definitely not agree. He did not agree. I'm afraid the two of them were a little suspended.

"Brother Shang, do you think he will find sugar? Tell sugar sugar secretly Xiao Mu is worried.

"No." Jomo Shang said very definitely.


"Why? Because Tangtang and Huangfu Qing have gone to the west coast, they will not come back in a short time. " Jomo said with a sneer.

There is no doubt that Wu Ziyun is a good person, but his purpose is too strong and his mind is too heavy. He will like sugar. For the first time, because sugar saved him, he has a good feeling for sugar. The second is the status of their family and the popularity of sugar at home.

As long as they are together with Tangtang, even if they are just engaged, they will have great benefits. Wu Ziyun's purpose is to get their support, but he forgot that Tangtang has them here, not only Tangtang, but also small. What can a five or six-year-old girl know?

"Well, that's good. Let's go back in a few days." He wants to go back to the border city.


It's time to go back for those days.

When Wu Ziyun left Xiaoguo, he asked Wu Xuan to go back to the border city. He originally wanted to give the bracelet returned by Qiao moshang to Tangtang, and then he talked about the things in the desert. Tangtang persuaded her parents to play with them.

Wu Ziyun did not expect that Tangtang was not at home. She left with Qiao moshang's friends a few days ago. It is said that she left in order to learn medical skills. She also begged ningmengyao and his wife for many days before they agreed.