Wu Ziyun was very dissatisfied with the fact that he had been a little bit slow. He had thought of a good thing for a long time, but he was interrupted by others. This kind of feeling is not good at all.

"What shall we do, your highness?"

"Let's go. We don't have so much time to deal with it." Said Wu Ziyun, gnashing his teeth.

Now he doesn't have so much time to waste. Although someone is watching over there, it's hard to guarantee that nothing will happen. He can't afford to lose now. As long as Tangtang hasn't married, he may take Tangtang to the desert.

"Yes." Wu Xuan was relieved. He was really worried about what Wu Ziyun would do to make the couple angry.

"Wu Xuan, what do you want to say?"

"Your Highness, during that time, we watched with our own eyes how much the young lady was favored. If you really like her, you can wait for her to marry when she grows up. However, if you go to miss Qiao with your purpose, I'm afraid you can't bring Miss Qiao back at last, and it will cause their dissatisfaction. Now we need to rely on them to help us People in the desert are better off. " Snow Xuan hesitated for a moment and said her own ideas.

Wu Ziyun sighed and looked at the front: "I know everything you said, but how much time do you think we have to wait? And let her come back to the desert with us is the fastest way. "

"Your Highness, are you trying to use Miss Joe to threaten general Joe and them?"

"A little bit, but I really like that little girl, Wu Xuan. I may not be kind enough to do this, but I know the life of the desert very well. After a period of time in Xiaoguo, I am more determined to change the life of the desert people. I just want to do this one, and other things are not important to me." Wu Ziyun sighed.

His father wanted the people to live a better life until the end. He wanted to fulfill his father's wishes.

"Your Highness, you will only be self defeating and sincerely cooperate with them. Instead, you will ask Mrs. Qiao to help us."

"Your Highness Wu Xuan is right. They are not like that kind of simple people."

Wu Ziyun looked at what other people wanted to say, waved and interrupted, and said coldly, "enough, I have my own opinion on this matter."

A few people look at each other, can only silence low head, no longer speak.

Wu Xuan went back to the border city to look for sugar and sugar. Ning Mengyao and them also knew it. Ning Mengyao was very dissatisfied with the result and thought that Wu Ziyun was a serious provocation to them.

if she hadn't made the agreement, she really wanted to go back on it, but even if they had a partnership, how did she has the final say?

At first, she thought it would not be easy for the child. If she could help, she would help a little. Who knows that people don't appreciate it? Since that's the case, you're welcome.

After Tangtang left, Doudou was a little lonely. They had been together since they were born. Now people suddenly left, which made him very unaccustomed.

"Do beans want sugar?"


"It's dangerous for her to stay here, so my parents will ask your brother to take away the sugar and sugar, which can protect her safety. When it's over, shall we go and pick up the sugar and sugar?" Ning Mengyao whispered, holding the beans.

Doudou nodded: "OK, I'll practice martial arts well. I'll clean up whoever dares to bully Tangtang in the future."

"Well, my mother believes in Doudou. My Doudou is the most powerful."

After being pacified by Ning Mengyao, Doudou will still think of sugar, but it won't be the same as before. Tea doesn't think of food.

It took Wu Ziyun and Wu Xuan some time and many roads to return to the desert. Even so, they met some killers, but they were all simply cleaned up. In such a desert, he didn't think the man could survive.

In the Imperial Palace, Wu Chongyi looks at the following people angrily: "it's all a group of waste. Wu Ziyun escapes without saying, and even makes him reach a cooperative relationship with the people of Xiaoguo." All of these have been calculated. He can accept them. But what he can't accept most is that none of the people who asked them to clear Wu Ziyun have been found.