Qiao Tianchang ignored Lei An, but went to the edge of the cliff that had blocked their way before, jumped down, and then grabbed the vines on the edge.

Walking along the vines, Qiao Tianchang soon found something unusual on the other side of the mountain wall.

Looking up at the top, though everything below is not very clear, the more up it is, the more obvious the pattern of the vine is. This is clearly a ladder made of vines. No wonder they didn't find it before.

Qiao Tianchang went back to lei'an in front of the stone wall and they came over in a hurry. They were very worried and asked, "how is the boss? Have you found anything? "

"Yes, there is a passage behind the mountain wall, but it's made of vines. You guys are waiting here. Come with me, fengxiao maple." Qiao Tianchang soon gave orders to the task.

"But general..."

"No, but it's an order."

"Yes." They need to keep this place and not let people leave.

Qiao Tianchang took the lead in jumping down and walked to the side in the same way as before, while Ryan and them followed him carefully. After they got to the back of the mountain wall, they saw the stairs.

Ryan looked at the stairs, and some speechless said, "how did they do it?"

"Now is not the time to say this, you are careful, maple you take care of yourself." Qiao Tianchang took a look at lei'an and said coldly. At the same time, he told Qiao mofeng, the youngest.

"Tianchang, don't worry. I'll take good care of Fenger." Feng Xiao knows Qiao Tianchang's worry. He doesn't know how high the mountain wall is. If he loses his strength in the mid air, something may happen. In order to avoid being found, Qiao Tianchang didn't go through the vines built by those people, instead, they used the vines on the side. Use lightness skill to go up.

In the middle of the day, Qiao Mo Feng almost fell down. Fortunately, Feng Xiao grabbed him: "are you OK, Feng ER?"

Joe Mo Feng shakes his head: "don't worry, Dad, I'm ok, just a little distracted."

"How can you be distracted in such a place?" Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Mo Feng with a black face.

What is this place? Is it a place that can distract him?

Qiao Mo Feng smiled awkwardly, then looked up at it, holding the vines in one hand, and took out some antidote pills from his waist in the other: "it's about to arrive, and there's a fog of poison on it, and it's very toxic. It's antidote, one by one."

Qiao Tianchang took the lead and ate them. They are all human beings, not invulnerable. They really need to be careful when they encounter poison.

Now Joe Tianchang is a little glad that Joe mofeng is following.

Feng Shuo looked at it and suddenly said, "pay attention to the shadow's breath. It's almost there. It's easy to attract the attention of the other side."

Qiao Tianchang looked at the sky, and the sun was about to set in the west, turning Orange: "camouflage yourself, we may not be able to go up at night."

It's only at night that we do bad things. It's the most tiring time for us to be silent in the dark. If we are careful, we won't find out what we want to do.

When leianton was a little silly, that is to say, they would like to climb here like geckos and can't move?

When there was only about 10 meters left from the cliff top, Qiao Tianchang took the lead to stop and took out the dried meat from the bag and gave it to them: "I'm afraid we'll have to eat this tonight."

Ryan looked at the dried meat in his hand. Although he was not picky or the kind of person who could not bear hardships, it was really a bad feeling.

Qiao mofeng's face was sweaty and slightly white. Although his internal power was strong, it was much worse than Qiao Tianchang's.

Qiao Tianchang saw Qiao mofeng's appearance. He was worried. When his hand was loose, he slipped about two or three meters. He took out the dagger at his waist and stabbed it into the stone wall. Feng Xiao looked at it and gave Qiao Tianchang his dagger. Qiao Tianchang prepared a place for Qiao mofeng to stand temporarily in the same way.