"Feng'er, there may be a few more hours. Hold on." After Qiao Tianchang went up, he looked at Qiao mofeng and said.

With the dagger as a temporary place to stand, Joe mofeng's body pressure is much smaller, he looked at Qiao Tianchang: "thank you dad."

"Tell me thank you. When you can't support it, you say, I'll take you with fengxiao." Qiao Tianchang whispered.

"Yes, Fenger, Tianchang is right. If you can't hold on, you must say, don't hold on, you know?" Feng Xiao looked at Qiao Mo Feng seriously and worried that he would not say anything to them in order not to drag them down.

"I see. I'm going to work harder after I go back this time." He can't stand that. What does that mean? This simply shows that he is not strong enough, or he will not let the two fathers worry about him.

Qiao Tianchang couldn't help laughing: "it's good to have a goal."

"Tianchang is right. No matter what you do, feng'er, Dad supports you"

"thank you, Dad."

After the topic, everyone was silent. The soldiers who followed Qiao Tianchang saw that Qiao mofeng was like this, and they were not dissatisfied. After all, this was only a 16-year-old boy, and he was also a very popular young master in the family. He could follow them like this, and he would be good to fight. They could not ask for too much.

This is their eldest young master. What if I try to change it into someone else's young master? It's strange that they don't make a fuss for a long time. Besides, they know that this young master has excellent medical skills and many other skills.

People quietly eat the dried meat with good taste in their hands. Joe mofeng seldom eats such things, but he thinks it has a different flavor.

It's also getting dark. Today, it's still a weather without moon. There are many stars in the sky. The scenery is good. But there are too many mosquitoes. Fortunately, Qiao mofeng found some herbs on the mountain wall that can repel mosquitoes. Otherwise, they don't know what they were bitten into.

and so on. After a while, Qiao Tianchang winked at the people on the side. The Phoenix Sky rate was high Take people up first. After Qiao mofeng leaves, Qiao Tianchang takes back two daggers. Maybe it's still in use, and they're all good things.

When they got to the top of the cliff, there was no sound around, but Qiao Tianchang thought something was wrong.

Just now, he was able to hear all kinds of mosquito sounds, but now he can't hear anything. It's quiet around him. It's dead quiet.

"Let's be careful when we go."

They all walked along the dim light ahead.

About half a quarter of an hour later, Qiao Tianchang and they stopped in front of a yard. Qiao Tianchang's doubts became more obvious.

"It's not right. This place is very wrong." Feng Xiao looks around.

"What do you mean, brother Feng?" Ryan didn't find anything wrong except that he felt it was too quiet.

Qiao mofeng looked at the house in front of him: "Uncle Ryan, don't you think this house is too quiet, just too dark?"

After Jomo Feng said that, Ryan finally found out: "yes, you don't say I haven't found it yet. Even in the evening, the general house will be superior, but this place doesn't exist. It's really weird and quiet without this place."

Qiao Tianchang took a look around him: "no matter what, we need to find out what's going on in this place. We need to find a place to settle down first, and then we can make plans." Although it's more suitable for them to act in the evening, after all, when he just arrived here and didn't know anything, he really couldn't act rashly. Otherwise, they might die.

"OK, let's go." This place is surrounded by mountain walls. It's very easy to find a shelter cave. It took them half an hour to find enough caves for everyone.

"Everyone is tired tonight. Let's have a rest first. What can I do tomorrow?"


Everyone began to rest, but in the latter half of the night, I didn't know where the woman's shrill and painful scream came from, which woke up Joe Tianchang in his sleep.

"What's the voice, boss?"