If it's someone else, I don't think it's haunted. How could I stay here for a night like this.

"Go get something to eat. After eating, go to inquire about the news separately. Be careful." Qiao Tianchang looked at the crowd and said.

"It's the boss."

They went to catch a few pheasants and hares. After they had skinned and cleaned up, they buried their fur and internal organs. Then they took them back to the cave and burned them.

Looking at their skillful appearance, Joe mofeng had some accidents: "you all can?"

"Of course, I used to go to the mountains when I was guarding the city. I learned it without help or help." Ryan's answer was random.

Qiao Mo Feng looked at his father and asked unexpectedly, "so do you, dad?"


"In fact, the eldest one among us is the hardest." Ryan looked at Joe Tianchang and said heartily.

Qiao mofeng was interested and asked curiously, "what's the matter with Uncle Ryan?"

"The eldest brother once went out to fight, and was trapped on a hillock. The place was full of stones and few trees. The eldest brother was trapped in that place for more than ten days, eating all by insects or rats. As for water, he could only drink dew every morning." Thinking about that time, Ryan was very uncomfortable.

After killing all the enemy troops that time, they fainted just when they arrived at Qiao Tianchang. They woke up after sleeping for several days. During this period, whoever wants to get close to him will definitely be beaten. Even if he is asleep, his vigilance has not been reduced at all.

Joe mofeng can't believe looking at Qiao Tianchang. Is that true? Eating mice? What did the mouse ask?

"Dad, is uncle Ryan true?"

"Well, I've been trapped for more than ten days. I'm just looking for something to eat. It's not like there are pheasants and rabbits here for you to eat." Qiao Tianchang said with no care: "and in order to live, even if you don't want to eat, you have to eat, or you will die, not killed by the enemy, but by yourself."

This is not only Qiao mofeng, even Feng Xiao is very surprised. Qiao Tianchang is really rare.

When they met, Qiao Tianchang was not only a high-ranking town general, but also a powerful uncle tongbaozhai. Who could have thought that he had lived like this.

Qiao mofeng looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "Dad, tell me something about your past." you can get to know your father by the way during the barbecue.

Without waiting for Qiao Tianchang to speak, lei'an beside him has already opened: "feng'er, if you want to know, I can tell you directly, why do you think the eldest brother is becoming a soldier, or even why do people have such prestige? It's all the boss's work. "

Although Ryan tells Qiao Tianchang's story to Qiao mofeng, Qiao Tianchang entered the military camp at the age of 12. Since then, his head has been completely hung on his waistband. It's uncertain when it will be gone.

Later, the old general of Xiaoguo saw that he was very qualified, so he kept people close to him, taught him strategic deployment, cultural and military strategies, and all that the other side would teach Qiao Tianchang. Later, when he was 15 years old, he became a young general who shocked the whole country because he took down the enemy's head and made great contributions.

After that, it was even more amazing. As long as Qiao Tianchang led the team in the battle, there was no one who could not win, but there were exceptions, that is, the battle was promised, but Qiao Tianchang was seriously injured.

There have been many times in this situation, two or three of which are the most serious, and those two or three times he almost died.

Qiao mofeng listened to Lei An's talk about Qiao Tianchang. It felt like a fantasy. He thought he had done a good job. Unexpectedly, compared with Qiao Tianchang, he couldn't even compete with each other's iceberg.

"Don't you feel tired after all that hard work, dad?" Asked Jo mofeng in astonishment.

Feng Xiao used to be very confused about where Qiao Tianchang learned his martial arts, but now he knows that he has been walking on the edge of death since he was 12 years old, and his qualification is not bad, so it's really not easy to get there.