"I'm not tired. It's like being trapped for 15 days. I've already returned to the barracks, and the eldest brother has been in a coma for a period of time because of his mental strain. In that period, as long as someone is close to him, he will be beaten immediately." Even in deep sleep, the body still keeps instinct.

Qiaomo Feng is like listening to a story. His head is a little dizzy. What does his father mean? He still keeps instinct when he is seriously injured and unconscious. How does he do it.

"Dad, how did you do it?" Asked Jomo Fong, strangely.

"At that time, I was like an orphan. I was the only one who knew Qifeng and Qitian and lei'an in the army. They let me know what brothers were. At that time, I didn't think so much. I just felt that I had to guard the border of Xiaoguo for Qifeng. I couldn't let any enemies come to Xiaoguo to look for things. That's about it Faith, can come from the edge of danger again and again.

Joe mofeng was a little surprised. He didn't really understand what kind of feelings it was.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now, you will understand it later. When you meet a friend you can treat sincerely, you will understand it." Qiao Tianchang smiles at his son. Although such an experience is dangerous, it also makes him get a lot. He is very satisfied and very happy.

Joe mofeng nodded, and asked what Joe Tianchang had handed him a roasted hare leg: "eat it, there is something to do after eating, as for when you want to hear the story."

"Yes, young master. If you want to hear anything, a lot of people know about the general." The man beside said happily.

The general is the one they adore most, but also the one they love most. At the beginning, he trained under his hand. Although he was a little bit bitter and tired, no one was not grateful to him. Because his training made them become more powerful and the possibility of survival became greater. But the general often left the danger to himself.

All this was brought to them by the general.

"Good." Joe mofeng is eating rabbit legs and thinking about his own way in the future.

Feng Xiao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "you have to pay for what you want."

Qiao Tianchang was directly amused by his words and asked, "what's the matter? Do you want to have a try, fengxiao

"Well, I'm not as good at martial arts as you two abnormal couples, but I'm one of the best. I don't need to improve my accomplishments anymore. I'm very satisfied with my accomplishments." Feng Xiao hurriedly shook his head. He couldn't live such a life. It was interesting to tease the soldiers occasionally.

Qiao Tianchang just watched him smile and didn't speak, but the smile was full of ridicule.

After dinner, Joe Tianchang divided the eleven people who came together and Ryan into four groups. Each group has three people. Their task is to get all the information about this place, and other things to be considered after getting these things.

Soon, led by Ryan, the twelve soon walked out of Joe Tianchang's sight.

After they all left, Qiao Tianchang looked at Qiao mofeng beside fengxiao and said, "let's look for the voice we heard yesterday and see if there is any harvest."

"OK, let's go."

Qiao Tianchang and fengxiao take Qiao mofeng and leap to disappear at the cave entrance.

They showed that they had gone to the top of the mountain, which was only half way up the mountain. They were going to see if there were any strange places.

Before they got to the top of the mountain, Joe mofeng felt something wrong. The more they went up, the more toxic the fog began. It was the same as the one they met when they went up the cliff yesterday afternoon.

"Dad, please let me down. I'll see what it is." This is not a natural toxic fog area at all, but it seems to have been brought out by people.

Qiao Tianchang and fengxiao look at each other, and fengxiao wonders, "is there any danger?"