"The enemy of Nanyu is also the former high priest of Miao." Qiao Tianchang explains with fengshuo.

Everyone immediately understood that some of the people who were present knew more or less about Nanyu, that is, fengxiao, who didn't know about Nanyu, also knew what happened under the explanation of Qiao mofeng.

It turns out that I met my enemy. No wonder this reaction will be so great.

"Let's go in."

In the room, I was discussing with someone who was suddenly stiff. The insects he raised were also restless. It was the first time for him to be restless.

"Have you checked all the places? Are you sure? "

"It's been checked, but before, the second team never came back after they went out. Because Joe Tianchang and them were outside, we were worried that our people were exposed, so we didn't inquire about the information, but they were afraid that it would be more or less bad." Said the man on the side carefully.

"Fool, why didn't you say it earlier? They're sure to find this place." Said Lao Shou angrily.

"But there's no problem these days." Said the man on the side in a low voice.

However, the old man glared at these bad people. If Qiao Tianchang was so easy to deal with, he would not have lost so badly in the Miao area at the beginning. At last, he could only escape from the Miao area, or he would have died.

Now these fools come to tell him that it's no big deal. Do they know how terrible Joe Tianchang is?

No matter how angry he was in his heart, it was useless to scold them. He could only find a way to remedy it.

"Destroy everything here, and we'll go at once." The old man said in a cold voice.

When they arrived at the gate of Nanyu, they heard his words. This was the high priest of Miao. Nanyu opened the door and looked coldly at the people inside: "since we have all met, what are you doing in a hurry?"

The old man's face changed. He looked at Nanyu and said, "you have come." He understood why Qiao Tianchang didn't move. I'm afraid they had already come to this place before. They only left for the reason of insects and insects to wait for the news. In this period of time, they were probably waiting for Nanyu.

"You're all here, of course I'm coming." Nanyu said sarcastically.

As soon as the old man's face changed, he was a little annoyed. He knew that he would not send someone to ambush Qiao Tianchang. He believed that they would find this place because of his ambush. Otherwise, it would be impossible.

"Are you sorry now? It's a pity that you recruited my eldest brother and them. Even if you regret it, you can't change the fact that you are going to bury my family today. It's my fault that you have lived for so many years. " Nanyu smiled coldly.

The high priest's face turned ugly. He believed that Nanyu could not escape as long as he really wanted to do something to him.

"I also listened to the king at the beginning. You should go to him." The high priest said dryly.

"Look for him? Are the insects that torment my family what he asked you to do? Let my father and mother be used by you to raise Gu after death, and finally come to a dead end. Is that what he asked you to do? My southern family did not have a festival with you, but you left half of my family dead. You asked me to find him? " He's not angry if he doesn't say that. He's not angry at all.

But when it comes to this, Nanyu's body keeps shaking, that is, the Gu king in his body is rioting because of his mood. Nanyu's eyes turn scarlet, and the eyes of the high priest are full of murderous spirit.

"What's the matter with Nanyu?" They have never heard Nanyu say that, no wonder, no wonder the hatred in Nanyu's heart is so strong.

"After my family died, he used all the people related to me to raise Gu, even my cousin who was just born. I saw this with my own eyes, but it didn't count. At last, my father's and mother's bones were smashed by him and thrown into the largest river in the Miao area."