There is a saying in Miao area that if people die and have no bones left, they will not be reborn and can only suffer from all kinds of sufferings in the eighteen layers of hell.

Rao is shocked by Feng Shuo, who is not familiar with Nanyu. No wonder he hates the high priest like this.

Qiao Tianchang came to Nanyu and held his shoulder tightly. His mood was out of control. Qiao Tianchang worried that he would die with the high priest: "Nanyu think about Qingshuang and your children. They are waiting for you to go back. You are not a person now."

The raging anger on Nanyu was extinguished by Qiao Tianchang's words. Well, how could he forget his wife and children? He thought that when he left, his son said to himself softly that he would go back early and bring him a gift. The thought of going to die with the high priest in Nanyu disappeared in an instant. He had to go back and raise his son. He wanted to let him Father and mother's blood continued.

"Thank you, boss." If it wasn't for him, he really didn't know what he would be like. From the time he realized it, he was very good to himself.

"We are brothers."

"Yes, Nanyu, we are brothers. You can take revenge, but we will die together with such scum. Can you believe that we will dig you out and flog you when you die?" Ryan snorted, very dissatisfied.

There was a stiff smile at the corner of Nanyu's mouth. These people, who had no blood relationship, supported him to survive, let him meet Qingshuang and have the life now.

"Don't laugh if you don't want to. It's ugly." Said Ryan, disgusted.

Nan Yu took a look at Lei An, turned to look at the high priest with a smile and asked, "don't you like using people's bodies to raise insects? Then I'll let you know what it's like. "

The high priest felt something was wrong and wanted to escape, but Qiao Tianchang and they escorted Nanyu there. How could he escape so easily.

"Boss, you dodge a little and hurt you." Nanyu turned around and said.

Qiao Tianchang and they quickly backed away, and Nanyu urged Gu Wang at the same time.

There is the presence of Gu Wang. The Gu insects in the yard are nothing. All of them fly into the room. The other people in the room are quickly devoured by the Gu insects. Only the high priest is alive. That's what Nan Yu wants. He wants him to live worse than death. He wants to try his parents' original suffering.

Qiao Tianchang and they stood by and watched Nanyu revenge. No one spoke, but they all believed that after the death of the high priest, Nanyu would not always dominate their life because of hatred.

Nanyu squatted down and looked at the high priest who was suffering. He smiled wildly: "how about that? Does it feel good? When you use my parents and my relatives to raise Gu, have you ever thought that you also have today? "

The high priest looked at Nanyu fiercely: "I regret that I didn't kill you directly at the beginning."

I didn't kill this kid before I left such a disaster.

Nanyu laughed, laughing madly: "then I really want to thank you."

After seeing his family's fate with his own eyes, he left Miao Jiang with Xiaoqi. Although he avoided many people's pursuit, he was seriously injured. If it wasn't for the eldest, they would pass by there. If it wasn't for the eldest, they would still have a breath to see them. So they would have been dead long ago. How could there be a time for revenge?

"You know what? In fact, I'm so close to Xiaoqi that I'm dead. But there's no way out. Maybe there's too much strong belief in revenge in my heart, and I won't support them until I meet the eldest. Because we meet the eldest, we survive and give me a chance to revenge. " Nanyu looked at the high priest's words and said.

The high priest's face was full of hatred. It was Qiao Tianchang who was pregnant with them.