For the high priest's hatred, Nanyu didn't pay attention to it at all. Even if he hated the dying, he couldn't bring up much trouble.

"You still have strength. With Nanyu's words, the insects in his body began to riot, and his body gradually disappeared, first four, then the body, and finally the face. But his heart was still beating, that was, the face without flesh kept twitching, and he could see the chin of the skull one by one, but failed to make a little voice. Nanyu was very satisfied with this.

Ryan shrinks his neck. His brother is terrible. Fortunately, they are brothers. Otherwise, if there is such an enemy, he will go mad.

At last, Joe Tianchang took a look. The dagger in his hand wore his beating heart.


"Nanyu is enough. He has been punished. I don't want you to be blinded by hatred. You used to be. Now you have children." Qiao Tianchang said with a frown.

Nanyu is silent for a while, and nods, but it's very good to get revenge.

"Let's go and see what's different about this place." Said Jo in a soft voice.

Nanyu nodded and several people searched the whole yard together, and finally found a secret way in a humble study.

As soon as they got down, they smelled the strong smell of blood, which disgusted the public. But it was just the beginning. When they saw the scenes in the rooms inside, they were silent. Lei An went to Nanyu and said seriously, "I know now, so you are very good."

These people are all women, many of them are pregnant and have high bulges. But they all know that these people's bodies are full of insects, aren't they? And look at them like this, they are just walking dead now.

They looked down from room to room, and met guards in the last room, but they were soon solved by Qiao Tianchang.

Open the door, inside sat a beautiful woman, but he was wearing clothes that were very strange to them.

"Well? Today, I even changed people, but the long one is not bad. " The woman looked at Joe Tianchang and them with a very appreciative look.

"You are?"

"Me? When they catch me here, they always make a mess of me. It's a pity that all those things are poisoned. " The woman shrugged her shoulders. I couldn't help it.

Nan Yu looks at the woman in surprise and says, "are you a poison man?"

"Poison man? Well, you can say that. " The woman thought about it and nodded.

Nanyu is a little shocked. How strong is the poison in this man's body that can kill all the insects.

"I said if you didn't come to trouble me, please help me get rid of these things. I don't like them very much." The woman raised the iron chain on her wrist. It's made of black iron. She couldn't help it.

Feng Xiao went over to put her hands on the iron chain, and the iron chain broke when she put her hands on it. The woman opened her eyes in surprise: "wow, you are so powerful?"

"All right."

"Thank you."

"What are you doing here?" The woman moved her wrists and asked curiously.

No one answered her to this question, and the woman was not angry, but looked at fengxiao and Qiao mofeng: "are you two father and son? It looks like it. "

Feng Xiao frowned: "you are so noisy."

"If you don't talk with a long mouth, it's used as a decoration?" A woman's unconvinced opening.

Qiao Tianchang looked at them and said lightly, "go out and burn everything here."


On the way to leave, Joe mofeng sprinkled a lot of his medicine and wine on the ground. When he arrived at the secret entrance, he threw a torch in it, and then poured some in the room. As soon as they left, the house started a fire.

"I'll go. What are you? It's more aggressive than gas. " The woman glared round her eyes.

Qiao Tianchang listened to the familiar and strange word, his eyes narrowed slightly: "you are from China?"