Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and falls asleep as soon as she touches the pillow. She's worried about it today, but he doesn't regret it. He's just injured. But if Doudou bears these arrows, he may die. He will do it again.

Maybe ningmengyao also has such an idea, so she will not say anything but take care of herself in silence.

Reach out and touch Ning Mengyao's cheek. Qiao Tianchang has a smile in his eyes, which is actually very good.

Close your eyes and Joe Tianchang will soon fall asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Ning Mengyao was no longer in bed, but Qingshuang came in: "I don't know what to say about you. This time, you should try to restrain yourself. The poison from the desert people is too domineering. Although we have detoxified you in time, if you don't take good care of yourself, something will happen to your body at last, so for the sake of the young lady and me You don't want to do those things, young master. "

Qiao Tianchang helplessly looked at Qingshuang: "I know, can't you start to scold me as soon as you see me?"

"No." Said Qingshuang coolly.

Qiao Tianchang is angry. Is this still a servant girl? Why are his servant girls so famous?

Qingshuang gave Qiao Tianchang a bad look: "if you want me to show you your face, you should bring your body back quickly. Don't look like a cripple. Your eyes hurt."

Qiao Tianchang is speechless by Qingshuang, is he the master? Why did he feel like he had changed when he came to Qingshuang? What's the weird sense of vision?

"Don't think I can't take you without you talking, my uncle. I've prepared a jin of Coptis medicine for you." Qingshuang looked at Qiao Tianchang coolly and said with a smile.

Qiao Tianchang can't help his forehead: "Qingshuang, if you want to give me less gas twice, I'm sure I'll be OK."

Qingshuang said with a smile, "it's my pleasure."

"Your pleasure is based on my pain." Joe Tianchang said that he was disgusted.

"I wish I knew."

Ziling originally wanted to come over to see how Qiao Tianchang was. Who could have thought that she heard this particularly interesting conversation between them.

"A jin of Coptis medicine, Qingshuang, you are really talented. How do you think of it?" Ziling asked with interest.

Qiao Tianchang is quarreled by two people forehead abrupt jump, forehead horn also bilges painful not to be able: "you two have a word to say outside, do not disturb me to rest."

Qingshuang wanted to say something else, but when he saw Qiao Tianchang's frown, he shut up immediately.

After checking the wound for Qiao Tianchang, Qingshuang said, "my uncle, your wound is recovering well. Just take good care of it."

"As long as you don't quarrel in front of me, I'm sure I can take good care of myself." The meaning of this is to dislike two people's words too much.

Qingshuang didn't take a good look at Qiao Tianchang, but for the sake that he was a patient, he didn't say anything.

"Tut Tut, you look like a general, just like a sick seedling." Qingshuang is willing to go out, but it doesn't mean that Ziling is willing.

It's the first time to see this cowherd for such a long time. She looks weak. Can she not say more?

"Qingshuang will get this man out to me. You are not allowed to approach this room for half a step in the future." Joe Tianchang said impatiently.

"I'm going to walk in front of you every day, OK?" Purple spirit is ungrateful.

Joe Tianchang put his hands on the bed, sat up from the bed, and looked at Ziling with cold eyes: "get out."

"You I saved your life, Joe Tianchang. Don't be ignorant of good people. " Ziling is tickled by Qiao Tianchang's teeth.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ziling like that, and feels uncomfortable. She saves him from every mistake, and he is grateful. But this woman's character is really hard for people to like.

"Miss Ziling, don't make my uncle angry again. You know how serious his injury is." Qingshuang helplessly looks at Ziling and says.

She really didn't understand why Ziling wanted to provoke my uncle like this. She knew that my uncle was a little grumpy because of the injury.

"What does it have to do with me? I don't know a good person."

Qiao Tianchang doesn't care about Ziling, but lies back on the bed, only Qingshuang sees the bloodstain on the gauze on his back, and frowns tightly.